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"You...,"she asked in astonishment.

Seeing her after a long made me speechless.
I decided to talk.

"Dhaksha... I uh..,What are doing here?," I asked.

"So you don't know why am I here??,You don't why am I wearing this dress?You don't know why I was sent here You don't why you didn't utter a word in that court room??You don't why you became my friend??" she said while tears started flowing down.

"Dhaksha I can explain-"

"Stop..stop it right there what are going to explain to me,about loyalty to your friend huh?,"she asked.

"You know what my heart always had a spot for person named Karna,but not anymore....!!," she shouted. shouted.

"If you can't go against your friend at least you could have uttered one word for me, that would have healed my broken heart!!!," she  started crying soo hard.

"I was soo dumb in that Court room you know when I was blindfolded and tortured. All I was thinking was both things. One My Brother could help us, two My Karna could help me. I was soo stupid back then. Hoping you would at least utter a word .But all did was watching me getting tortured how could you!!!," 

"Please don't cry Dhaksha I can't withstand you crying," I said while tears rolling down.

"What did you say you can't withstand me tearing??? that is soo funny, You know I teared blood back there in that court room!!!! You watched me  there,now what you can't withstand me crying??"

Why Lord why this is always happening to me.


Duruyodhana's pov

"My dear son now that they have decided to fight with us. We have to be ready too my dear son,we have get somethings before our enemy does my boy!!!," Uncle Shakuni said.

 We have to be ready too my dear son,we have get somethings before our enemy does my boy!!!," Uncle Shakuni said

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"I don't understand Uncle!!,"

"Hehehehe you can't understand, My son... Think care think carefully. If the Pandavas plan to wage war who will fight for us. You and your brothers, Aswathama,Of course if Aswathama comes Dronacharya will come maybe Pitamah will come. But these people may or may not come not soo sure."

"What are trying say Uncle Shakuni??," I asked.

"My son... get yourself an permanent armour, get yourself an permanent unbreakable guard...,"

"Permanent armour? you want me to seek blessing from Lord?," I asked.

"My dear son!!!!! No wonder why  you stand like this brainless!!.I said go and get your Dear Friend Karna before that Dhaksha does. Anyways now she might have thought that Karna didn't help her in court room and they will be in bad terms. Take this chance make him yours my boy!!!. make the world's best warrior yours,"he said.

"What are you telling Uncle he is already mine, He is dear Mynthran,"I said firmly.

"Good my boy,"he laughed.

Just I heard  Karna's sound.

"My dear Mynthra Duruyodhana!! Why did  you do this why did you tortured my Sakhii Dhaksha?why!!," he shouted.

"My dear Mynthra don't ask me anything, I'm not in the stage of answering you. My mind is full of the vows Pandavas made!!!," I pretended to be sad.

"Good acting my son continue...," Uncle whispered to me from back.

"But Duruyodhana-," he started.

I shouldn't allow him utter a word.

"My dear lovable Mynthra save your Sakha!! Save me from them. I know I'm strong enough to beat them. But still without you by my side I 'm loosing my mind,I'm not being myself. My dear Mynthra can you stay beside me?," I pretended to cry.

"My dear Mynthra I'm always beside you and will support you.," he said.

"Then promise me that no matter what you will stay by my side forever...," I asked.

He was thinking for soo long

At last he looked up and said....

Back to normal

"Sakhi ,I'm really sorry for not being there for you it is my fault I should have been there for you. As you said uttered a word for you.... But-,"I said.

"Please no but Karna, You know, why am I even talking to you and facing you .Because of Radhai ma and Vrushali. For the sake of them and for the respect I have for you as guru I'm standing here and talking to you or less I would have gone by now," she shouted.

Yeah I deserve this I should have opened my mouth in the Court room when Duruyodhana ordered Pandavas to go on vanavas .But still in the situation between Mynthra and Sakhi what can I do Lord!!!!!!

"I know I deserve this Dhaksha but please don't tell me I'm just your guru and nothing more than that. It really tears my heart..,"

"My heart is already in pieces Karna, searching for which pieces should I follow. Some pieces says Throw him out of life, some pieces says forgive him forgive your Sakha. I'm really in under an great pain now please go away," she kneeled down and cried.

I sat down and tried to console her.

"Stop ittt Karna!!!," I heard a voice.

"What are you doing here?," Dhaksha said while wiping her tears.

To be continued....

Who is the another person Dhaksha saw?

What do you think Karna would have said to Duruyodhana?

What will happen between Karna and Dhaksha?

Will their bond lasts forever?

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