Meeting of loved ones

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Flowers sprinkling all around us, sound of joy could be heard every where, all hailed our names while we were all sitting inside our chariot peeping outside and smiling at them all.

Indraprastha felt so good after years....

"Long live Charkavathi!!! Long live Charkavathini!!!,"They all shouted.

We entered our palace after 13 yearss. Home feels soo good after these many years.

I changed into my simple lehenga.

I changed into my simple lehenga

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Dhaksha in Lehengha


"Sakhi Our people looks soo happy right?"Draupadi said while correcting her earrings.

"Yes they all look so happy and good,"I smiled at her.

"Dhaksha what do know about this war we're going to raise,"she turned towards me.

"This war for Dharma shall definitely destroy many families here. Even take away the happiness from some families,"I said in low tone.

"Do you think this war is necessary Sakhi,"I moved forward.

"Of course sakhi. This war is necessary to vanquish all adharama from this universe. I too have this feeling of losing many people. But if we let this adharama live in this world. The whole universe shall be destoryed,"she said.

"The whole kuru dynasty shall be destoryed Sakhi,"I rested on my hands on her shoulders.

"For Darma, I'm ready to die Sakhi,"she said firmly.

O'Lord! The word War sometimes gives me goosebumps but sometimes my blood pumps so high that I wanna kill them all in my very own hand.

"I'll go for an walk and come,"I smiled at her.

"Yeah of course,"she smiled.

I came down and started walking towards our garden with ponds and flowers all over.I noticed the women who saved me was sitting right beside the pond playing with the lotus floating in the pond.

When I look at her I don't even feel strange. I have this normal feelings towards her. She doesn't even seem strange to me. Why lord why?

"What are you doing here"she asked while facing towards the pond.


"I was just roaming around to get some fresh air" I walked towards her.

"You look beautiful in your Lehengha Sakhi" she said with a smile.

This Sakhi tone I have heard this before...

She chuckled.

"You would looked beautiful if you would have braided you hair,"she said.

Mahabharata- I Wish This Lasts Forever(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now