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"But Jyesthabhavikashree you should also protect the women inside the palace right?, " Nakul said.

"We have you three for that right. Aarya give me permission to fight,with the disguise as Dhakshan. Maybe I could fight," I pouted.

I was gazing at Aarya like so innocently. Maybe he could change his mind.

"Okay okay fine,you can also join but stay with Yudhistran Bhratta during the fight," He smiled.

It worked.

"So let me tell the plan.  Aarya and Uttar first to get back his Gandiv. While Yudhistran Na fights with Duruyodhana till Aarya comes and Viratraj with Dhushasana. Virthik you have to fight with the soldiers until Uttar returns he will join with you too. Mirthik Putro you shall fight with Gandharaj until your Pitashree comes back and captures Duruyodhana. Okay?," I took breath.

Phewww this is a good plan I guess.

"What about you Dhaksha?," Bheem Na asked.

Oh yeshh me?

"We still have Angaraj Mata," Mirthik said.

Karna? Sakha? fight with him...
Sounds so cool.

"Yeah maybe I could fight with him," I smiled.

"What if he finds about you Dhaksha?," Aarya asked.

"I'm sure he would have recognized me on the day we met at courtroom. Anyways, I shall fight with him until you capture Duruyodhana," I smiled at Aarya.


"Nothing shall happen to me Aarya. He is my Sakha, I'm sure he won't hurt me,"I said.

"But I shall never remain without hurting him at any cost, if something happens to you"Aarya shouted and went away.

"Aiynae Aiynae!!," I shouted.

I shall never remain without hurting him at any cost...?
Oh Lord why these two brothers have to fight this much.....
I wish I could tell them the truth.

"It's okay Dhaksha," Draupadi held my shoulder.

It's not okay Dhaksha....

"Fine let's be prepared for tomorrow," Yudhistran Na said.

I can see he was not in our room.
I peeked from the balcony,he was lying in the grass in the garden.

I went down and approached near him.

"Ekrmm.,"I cleared my throat.

He didn't even care.

I approached near him. I could see his bronze pale skin shining from the moonlight. His face structure seemed perfect even though it had some wrinkles here and there. It actually felt like the first time I saw him in the woods. This prince of mine was sleeping... I caressed his cheeks and had this desire to pinch his nose.

"Yahhh," He pulled me beside him.

"Aarya I thought you were sleeping," I said while lying on his soft arms.

"I was sleeping,but I had this strange dream of me lying under hundreds of stars and searching for the moon in that dark sky. Then I thought I was soo dumb  to search it in the sky, while I had one near me," He smiled.

Please Lord!he is a father to many sons now, where can he find pickup lines like these. No Google too..

"I hate you!!!," I bet on his hands which was around my waist.

Mahabharata- I Wish This Lasts Forever(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now