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I'm so tired  Naeun mumbled to herself, stretching her arms as she stepped down the stairs at the university gate. Her classes took the life out of her and all she wanted in that moment was to collapse on her bed and take a big long nap. The sun was already starting to dip in the sky, warm orange light hitting the girl's face.

She took a deep breath of the fresh air, plugging her headphones in her ears and playing her favorite song. They haven't had weather like this in a while and Naeun felt refreshed. She leaned on the railing of the stairs, simply admiring the beautiful sunset and the tranquility of the moment.

But her peace and tranquility was quickly ruined by the sound of a loud engine whizzing by. A sleek, matte black sports car stopped right in front of the university gate, making students nearby curious about why such an expensive car was right outside their university. Naeun peered her head over, getting curious as well.

The door of the car opened, and a man stepped out. He adjusted the sunglasses on his face, pulling the black mask up over his nose. Shutting the car door, he walked towards the gate of the university. His best friend just finished his classes and Jisung was on his way to pick him up.

But he got sidetracked when his eyes landed on the girl he had been desperately trying to find for weeks.

"She was like, tallish, kind of skinny, her hair was waist length and really black, oh, and she had a septum piercing," he described the girl to Chenle, who was rubbing his temples in frustration. It was the morning after his race, and the boy was still going crazy. The face of that girl had not left his mind and he wanted nothing more than to find her.

"And what do you want me to do with that information?"

"Can't you like, find her or something? You're good at finding people online, right?" He shook him by the shoulders, a pleading look in his eyes. "At least get her name or something, please?"

"I told you, I stopped stalking people online years ago," Chenle scoffed. "Go find her yourself, I'm not dealing with your bullshit."

"You're so mean," Jisung huffed, turning the other way as he sulked.

"Forgive me, Chenle," he muttered under his breath, approaching the girl. Her eyes were trained on his sports car, so he was able to sneak behind her without her noticing.

"Boo," he whispered directly in her ear, lips ever so slightly brushing against her earlobe. The girl shuddered, spinning around and seeing Jisung directly in front of her.

"What the hell..." She muttered under her breath, gripping onto the railing next to her. 

"Remember me, darling?" He spoke, cockily grinning. 

"Yeah, I do..." She murmured, eyeing him up and down. Your racer boy is crazy, Juri. "W-Why are you here?"

"To pick up my friend," he whispered, leaning in more. Naeun backed up, unsure of what he wanted from her. She looked around, trying to find an excuse to run away. 

"I saw you at the race a few weeks back and thought you were really pretty," he said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "May I have the honor of knowing your name, darling?"

"I don't give my name to strangers," she replied, mentally thanking herself for remaining composed as she kept trying to put some distance in between them.

"You think I'm a stranger, darling?" He smirked, tilting his head. "You know exactly who I am, how does that make me a stranger?"

"I don't know you personally, therefore, you're a stranger," she retorted, backing up. 

Every step she took back, he took forward, to the point where she literally gave up because she knew he wouldn't back off. She had no idea why he was so insisted on talking to her. But Naeun quickly grew annoyed of it. 

"Jisung? Where were you?" A panting boy unfamiliar to Naeun ran over to them, hands on his knees and out of breath. 

"Oh, I got a little distracted," Jisung turned back to his best friend, grinning. 

"I'm assuming this is..." He muttered, his eyes falling to the girl behind Jisung.

"Yeah, it is," he nodded, getting a scrap of paper out of his pocket as well as a pen. He jotted down his number before turning back to the confused girl. His hand gently encircled over her wrist and he placed the slip down in her open palm.

"Call me," he winked, making a phone gesture with his hand before walking off with Chenle.

Okay, what the hell... Naeun sighed, shaking her head as she walked back to her dorm.

Stuck | Park Jisung [ONGOING]Where stories live. Discover now