|Prologue |

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"It just happened so fast.."

There laid, Allison's lifeless and pale corpse, in a black body bag. Nurse McCall looks down with a saddened expression as she zips up the bag.

As she wheels Allison's body over to the corpse drawer of the morgue, she notices the bag moving slightly. She frowns and unzips it, slowly.

Melissa gasps as she sees Allison's stomach moving, two tiny bumps, moving around. Melissa sprints over to her tool tray, grabbing her scapel.

She comes back, pressing two fingers onto Allison's stomach as she begins to make an incision, cutting open her flesh in a straight line.

She is shocked when she sees a newborn baby girl but even more shocked when her eyes start to glow a bright and piercing yellow.

Melissa goes over to the intercom on the wall and pages the front desk.

"Miriam, get Chris Argent on the phone. Tell him it's urgent and that he needs to come to the hospital immediately ." She instructs.

"On it.."

How do you like it so far ? Eh ? Meh ? It's okay ? Lol.

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~TW_Nerdd (:

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