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Walking up and down the hall of the police station, I sigh awaiting over the phone. I was calling Melissa to check up on Alice. She graciously volunteered to watch her while I was busy saving Stiles and Lydia. Brunski, one of the orderlies held them captive in Eichen House and mentally broke down Lydia until Meredith showed up. Yeah, apparently she's the benefactor.

Also, Scott and Kira had found another pack; Satomi's pack which includes that Brett guy and his sister. But of course they had to get past a few assassins in order to find them .

"Hey, Melissa. How's my little girl ? Is she giving you trouble ?"

"Define trouble-- no I'm just kidding she's being an angel actually, by helping me organize my files."

"That's nice. " I smile, walking up and down the hall again . "Oh-uh, how's Stiles ?"

Stiles had a serious concussion so now he's at the hospital. I stayed with Lydia to try and get Meredith to start talking.

"He's doing better, yeah we just ran a few tests on him. He should be out of here soon."

I look up, seeing the Sheriff walk out of the interrogation room. "I'm sorry Melissa I have to go." I say as I walk back into the hall with Lydia.

"Oh, no you go ahead. Talk to you later."

"Okay, see ya." I hang up.

"Hey, how is she ?" Lydia stands and asks him.

"What did she say?" I ask him.

"Hard to tell. There were words. I'm not sure there were actual sentences. Nothing." Sheriff answered.

"I think we need a psychologist..." Lydia suggests.

I nod. " Or a medium."

"Is she even competent enough to be charged with something?" Lydia asks.

" If Meredith is The Benefactor, then that means she was competent enough to trick Kate into opening the Hale Vault, competent enough to blackmail Brunski into helping her, and competent enough to create a hit list and pay out money for its completion. This girl's practically a criminal mastermind." Sheriff explained.

"There's gotta be a reason why she would do this." Lydia says softly as I comfortingly rub her back.

She glances over at me a bit and then looks back over at Sheriff.

"I'm only interested in the "why," if it tells me the "how.""Sheriff says.

"You mean how to stop it." I say.

"After what happened to Scott tonight, this thing's still going. The payments could be automatic." I say.

"And as long as the killers are getting paid, and paid very well, that list is gonna keep getting smaller." Sheriff says.

"We don't just need to stop the dead pool." Lydia says.

" We need to stop the money." Sheriff sighs. "But I really don't want to drag you kids more into this than you already are so I think it's best if you just go home."

"We're not going anywhere." Lydia stubbornly crosses her arms.

"Lydia, please--Isaac can you take her home ?" Sheriff asks before walking away back into the interrogation room.

"I can't take you home, can I ?"

"Nope. We're staying and we're going to sit here." She grabs my hand, pulling me down to sit with her.

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