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\\ Isaac

I still think about her, about that night..

"I'm in the arms of my first love. The first person I ever loved. The person I'll always love. I love you, Scott. Scott McCall."

That moment, that moment was just a stab to the heart.

And you know, whenever I look at Alice I feel that I'm looking at Allison and I just break down inside.

"Daddy?" I hear and look down at Alice.

"Hm ?" I mumble a bit.

"Are you gonna open the door ?" She asks and I look up to see we were at the clinic.

"Oh." I chuckle."Sorry." I hold onto her hand as we walk inside. "Deaton ? Deaton, you h--"

I stop talking as I see Lydia walk out of the room. I slid over, hiding Alice behind me who holds onto my waist.

"Isaac ? What are you doing here ? I thought you left ? And who's the little girl behind your back ?" She asks.

"I uh--"

"Lydia, who was at the -- Oh hey Isaac." Deaton appears.

"Hey, Deaton, can we talk in private? " I say, twitching my eye a bit for him to notice.

"I kinda have someone in the back who needs my help so if you'll just..." He says, motioning me to follow him as he walks back into the room.

I frown, picking Alice up and stepping forward to follow him but Lydia stands in front of me.

"We are not finished, mister. Who is this ?" She points to Alice.

I sigh. "My daughter, Alice ."

"Your what ?" She says, frowning as she glances over from me to Alice.

Alice slowly raises her hand and puts it onto Lydia's cheek.

"What's she doing ?" Lydia asks.

"I don't know." I frown, being just as confused as Lydia is.

Alice looks her in the eyes, making Lydia gasp softly.

"You and Allison ?.. And Alice is.. ?" Lydia says, looking over at me and I nod. "How ?"

"She was in her stomach, growing. But you couldn't tell because, well-I think that's more on my part." I shrug a little. " Ya know the supernatural part."

"But how is she alive ? The Oni, he stabbed--"Her voice starts to shake. "..He stabbed..."

"Yeah, I know... But the sword went just a few inches over Alice's head, no contact whatsoever.. She's my little miracle child." I smile, kissing her forehead.

My head quickly perked towards the room Deaton was in as I heard a loud noise like someone was being pushed against something. Lydia and I looked at each other before storming into the room.

Deaton was on the ground by the cabinets, holding his arm as some young werewolf was standing over him. I set Alice down and push him back, starting to turn.

"Isaac stop, it's Derek !" Lydia yells.

"What ?" I say, trying to dodge his punches.

"Kate, Allison's aunt, she changed him. She turned him young again." She explains. "It's him."

I try to get a good look at his face but he pushes me down, growling.

"Alice, no !" I yell as she walks over to him but something amazing happened.

She takes his hand and motions his face down with her finger. She rests her other hand on his cheek like she did to Lydia, calming him down.

I watch as he frowns. He backs away, shaking his head before storming out of the room.

\\ Scott

"I don't think he's just younger in body. I think he's younger in his mind too." Deaton explains but I kinda space off as I stare at Isaac and Alice.

Allison and Isaac have a child together.. I still can't believe it.

"He didn't recognize either of us." Lydia sighs, snapping me out of my thoughts. "And he looked like he was scared out of his mind especially when little Alice here did the hand to cheek thing." Lydia smiles, pinching her cheek gently.

"Wait who is she again ? And why isn't Isaac in France right now ?" Stiles asks.

"Long story." Isaac says.

"Do I wanna know? " Stiles says, squinting a little.

"No." Lydia, Deaton, Isaac, and I all say at the same time.

"Alrighty then. . Um, ok so if you're a teenage werewolf and you're scared, where do you go?"

"A wolf goes back to its den. But Derek lives in a loft." I say.

"Not when he was a teenager." Stiles says.

"The Hale House?" Lydia says.

Deaton shakes his head. "He wouldn't remember the fire. It wouldn't have happened yet."

"Hold on." Isaac says. "Say you do manage to catch up to him? What are you going to say to him? That his whole family is dead? Trust me, that's not something a teenager wants to hear let alone someone like Derek."

"Yeah, he has a point." Lydia nods.

"I guess I'm going to have to." I shrug.

"Oh..." Isaac raises his eyebrows. " Good luck with that."

"He's probably right. Maybe you shouldn't." Stiles says. " You know, at least until we figure out how to get him back to normal."

I sigh. " I can't lie to him."

"Okay, I'll do it." Stiles says.

"I don't think any of us can. Remember, he can hear a heartbeat rising." I explain. " When we find him, we tell him the truth."

"If he gets to the house first, you won't have to." Deaton says. " You're gonna need more help though."

I watch as they all look over at Isaac and I sigh, rolling my eyes a bit. I'm just not okay with the idea of Allison and Isaac having a kid together. It's been bugging me ever since I found out, I don't know, maybe it's because--nevermind.

"Oh no, I'm out of all this. I vowed that I would lay low." Isaac says and I kinda get pissed off.

He can't just back out of being a werewolf, he doesn't have a choice.

"Unh unh, no you're not. You were in this the moment you accepted the bite from Derek, there's no backing out now." I say. "And besides we can call this even for hooking up with Allison."

"Uh oh." I hear Stiles mumble.

Isaac sets Alice down and walks over to me. "Oh, so we're still holding that over my head ? Well, you know what ? Deaton said it himself, that Allison and I had a strong emotional connection."

I chuckle softly. "Yeah, that was before Allison told me that I'm the one she'll always love. She loved me, Isaac, not you. Get that through your head."

"Guys-" Lydia says.

"No, hold on Lydia." Isaac cuts her off. "Scott, I looked up to you as a brother but not anymore and I would not take back any moment I spent with Allison."

"Brothers don't hook up with their brother's ex girlfriend, friends don't even do that." I say, walking away. "Come on Stiles."

"Coming." Stiles says, following behind me.

This was kinda a filler. I needed more drama and not only that but to show you that it won't be just about Alice, it'll be about the guys and how they really feel about the whole Allison situation along with some scenes from season 4.

Follow ! !

~TW_Nerdd (:

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