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\\ Chris

That night had changed everything. .

"What ? What's going on? " I stormed up to the front desk at the hospital with Isaac trailing along.

I had received the call from the hospital just when Isaac was done giving his statement, that I had rehearsed with him and Scott.

"Melissa, Chris is here." The nurse pages her.

"Okay, bring him into the morgue." I hear Melissa's voice.

Isaac and I followed her down the hall, and into the morgue. The nurse leaves, shutting the door. We stood there, watching Melissa standing there, rocking a little with her back facing us.

My breath hitched in my throat as I saw Allison laying in the body bag.

My little girl..

"Melissa? " Isaac says, hesitantly.

She turns slowly, holding a newborn baby girl in her arms. My eyebrows went up quickly as her eyes flashed yellow. I turned my head to look at Isaac and back over at the baby.

"Chris, Isaac, congratulations. You're a new grandfather and you, Isaac are a new father.."

Alice Victoria Argent, that's what Isaac and I had decided to name her, she's growing more and more. She ages within seconds. It's been a month and she's already six. I know, I didn't think it was possible either. But then again I didn't think it was possible for a human and a werewolf to conceive a child, and you'd think I'd know this since I come from a bloodline of professional supernatural hunters.

No one knows about her except Melissa, Isaac, Deaton and I. I'd like for it to stay that way.

Isaac has been living at the apartment with me ever since that night. To everyone else, he's in France. He says that he wants to lay low and be there for Alice. He's a good kid, he really is.

"Alice you're gonna fall and hurt yourself spinning like that." I say, watching her twirl around the living room.

"Don't worry, Chris. She'll heal like her daddy." Isaac smiles, catching her and picking her up, making her giggle.

My concern is not whether Alice can heal or not like Isaac but it's if she has inherited his anger and built up rage.

"Hey, uh Isaac ?" I say, walking over to him with the laundry basket. "Can you do me a favor and put this load of Alice's clothes in the washer and put the one's in the washer in the dryer ?"

"Sure thing." He puts down Alice and takes the basket out of my hands. "Be right back pumpkin."

He kisses her forehead before heading out the door and I sit in my spot on the couch . I smile as she grabs Allison's old teddy bear, sitting next to me on the couch.

"Hey, how about I make us a snack? Any requests? " I ask her.

"Ice cream !" She exclaims.

"Out of luck kiddo, you ate the last of it yesterday, remember? " I say and she giggles. "How about I bake some cookies, yeah? "

"Yeah! " She cheers.

I chuckle, kissing the top of her head before getting up to go into the kitchen. As I opened the fridge, I hear a knock at the front door followed by the door being opened.

I quickly closed the fridge door, making my way into the livingroom.

"Alice, what did I tell you about opening the front door without my per--Scott ?" I stop in my tracks as I see him standing in the doorway.

"Hey-- Uh, who's this ?" He points to Alice.

"I'm Alice." She hands out her hand.

Scott smiles, shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you, Alice. I'm Scott."

"Uh, Alice. Why don't you go play in your room, hm ?" I say, resting my hand on her head.

"Okay, Papa." She says before skipping down the hall.

"Papa? What's going on ? Who's that little girl? " Scott asks, frowning a bit.

I sigh. "My Granddaughter."

"Your Granddaughter?" His eyebrow raises. " Do you have another kid that I don't know about or something? Please tell me that's it."

"No, I don't." I shook my head, rubbing my chin a bit. " She's Allison's daughter."

"Y-you've got to be kidding me, right? " He chuckles nervously.

"I wish I was." I say softly.

He gasps, looking down at the floor and then back up at me. "Who's the father? "

"Me." Isaac says, appearing behind Scott.

Ooohh, drama.

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