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\\ Scott

"Shouldn't we do something now?" Kira asks as she sits next to me on the bench out on the field.

Coach had decided to put her on the team after she had caught a ball that would've almost took out Malia.

"I mean, we can't. We're still not really sure if it's really him." I say, referring to Garrett because we found out that it's possibly him. " And if we're wrong, then the real assassin gets away."

Kira sighs and I turn, facing her.

"Nervous?" I ask.

"About someone trying to kill us?" She asks, exhaling. "Or about playing my first game?"

"Both?" I say.

"Definitely both." She says and I chuckle but quickly stop as I see Isaac approaching us.

He was dressed in his lacrosse uniform. I smiled, standing up as he approaches us after sending Alice up the bleachers to sit. I wave back as she waves to me.

"Hey, you came." I smile.

"I came to win." He says and I frown, remembering back to the whole Kanima situation.

"Dejà Vú ?" He asks, chuckling.

"A bit." I chuckle, nodding.

\\ Chris

"So does this make us family now? You know, because of Alice ?" Derek asks we walk down into the Hale vault.

"Uh, no-no, not really." I chuckle. "Derek, you're not related to Isaac."

"But he's pack." He shrugs. "He's practically family and more so like the son I never wanted."

I laugh a bit. "Well then, welcome to the family."

He chuckles. "Uh, okay...She was here for this." He says, showing me the triskele. "We use it to teach young Betas how to control the shifts on a full moon."

"Control was never one of Kate's strengths." I say, walking a bit away from him.

"You knew she was alive, didn't you?" I hear him ask.

"Not for certain." I face him. "But I'd been searching ever since you handed me the shotgun shell."

"Is that possible? What are you gonna do when you find her?" He asks me.

"There's a place I can take her." I say.

"You saying you have some kind of werewolf jail?" He chuckles.

"Something like that." I tilt my head a bit.

"She won't go quietly." He says.

"I don't expect her to. And I'll do what's necessary." I say and he sighs.

"What if I asked you not to? She took something from me. At first, I just thought it was a part of my past." He flashes his yellow eyes and I raise an eyebrow. "I started to lose something else. My sense of smell. I'm losing my power."

\\ Isaac

"Let's go! Let's go, come on! Hey, McCall, I said get your ass out on the field." Coach yells at Scott.

"But Coach, his leg's still healing. I don't think he should play." Scott explains to him.

"He said it's fine." Coach replies.

"As Captain, I'm suggesting Liam sit out the game." Scott says firmly.

Coach does his signature annoying laugh. "And as, uh, President of the United States, I'm vetoing that suggestion."

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