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"Lydia?" A voice echoes in my head as I space off in class. "Lydia."

I look over at Malia, annoyed as she repeatedly pokes me. " Did you hear me? Look. I passed. C-minus. - Your notes are great when they're not written in code."

Coach Finstock approaches us, laying Malia's test onto her desk. ([F-])

"Disappointed, Malia. Profoundly disappointed."

I sigh yet again. "I'll send you my notes."

I soon find myself staring ahead at the chalkboard.



" It's over." I hear Kira whisper as I continue staring at the board. "The computers are off. No more assassins. No more murders. No one's dying."

"Not yet." I mumble.

I jump a little as my phone vibrates. I pick up my phone, unlocking it to see a text from Isaac.

From Lahey :p
(Look to your left )

I frown but do as I'm told. My frown turns into a huge smile as I see Isaac and Alice. They both wave and I wave back. Isaac gestures with his hand, motioning me over to them.
I nod and raise my hand.

"Yes, Lydia? " Coach says.

"Can I go to the uhm-nurse ?" I ask, hesitantly.

"Sure, go ahead."

I quickly stand, gathering my things. I clack my heels over to the door, exiting it. I shut the door behind, going to pick up Alice.

"Hey, big girl." I smile, tapping her nose a bit.

She giggles. "Hi, auntie Lydia."

I set her down and smile over at Isaac as he grabs her hand. "What are you guys doing here ?."

"We're taking you out for lunch." He smiles. "You hungry ?"

I chuckle, nodding. "Starving."



"That's a lot of weight." I start to hear a bit of a nearby conversation.

" I'm trying to get ready for the game tomorrow." I suddenly hear Liam's voice. "--Wait, what are you doing?"

"I'm spotting you." The guy he was talking to, says.

"I said I don't need one."

" Are you kidding me? This is like 300 pounds. You're gonna kill yourself."

" Do I look like I need help?"

"Isaac? " Lydia says, snapping me back but my instincts start to kick in.

I let go of Alice's hand, taking off down the hall.

"Isaac !"

"Just wait there ! I'll be back !"

My feet had lead me to the direction of the school's weight room. Liam's friend, Mason, I think, was outside of the room, leaning against the wall.

"Hey, aren't y--"

I swing open the door, seeing Liam struggling to get the heavy pound weight off of his chest. I peal it off of his chest, dropping it down as I pull him up by his hand onto his feet. Mason storms in, seconds later.

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