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A/N : This first part coming up sets the tone for this chapter.

\\ Isaac

"Isaac, do you hate me ?" I frown, waking up out of my sleep to hear a familiar voice.

I sit up. "Who's there? "

I gasp, frighteningly as I see Allison appear. She approaches me, frowning.

"Do you hate me, Isaac ?" She asks.

I frown. "What ? No, why would I hate you? "

"Because of what I said." She answers and I frown even more. "About Scott always being the one I love."

"Oh. " I look down. "I don't know."

"Isaac." She sits next to me. "You have to move on from me."

"I don't know if I can. You were the first person who showed me what love was. You gave me the gift of a beautiful little girl."

She shakes her head a bit. "But you have to be happy. I can't go on knowing that you're not happy. Move on, Isaac..Move on--"

"Daddy, daddy !" I suddenly hear Alice's voice.

"I can't..I can't move on.." I mumble in my sleep.

"Daddy, get up." My eyes flutter open as I felt someone tapping me.

I sit up, seeing Alice by the couch. "Oh, hey sweetie "

"Daddy, my bus is here. Kindergarten, remember?" She says and I widen my eyes.

"Oh !" I quickly stand. "I forgot. Where's your papa ?"

She shrugs. "I dunno know. He helped me get dressed, told me to wake you up so that I could get on the bus and then he left."

I groan, "Okay, come on."

I pick her up, rushing out the door and down the stairs. The elevator would take forever. I get to the lobby and exit out the door.

"Wait !" I yell as they start to close the door.

I sigh in relief as it opens back up. I set Alice down and kneel in front of her, kissing her forehead.

"Have a good day, pumpkin." I smile and then whisper into her ear. "Remember, stay in control. If something angers you, remember what Uncle Derek taught you. Alpha, beta, omega, okay ?"

She nods.

"I love you." I smile as she turns, walking up the steps.

I wave to her as the doors shut and the bus starts driving away. My phone starts to ring as I turn around.


"Hey, Isaac." I say, pacing in the living room of my Grandmother's lake house.

"Hey, Lydia. What's up ?"

"Do you mind coming over ? Everyone else is at the school taking the PSATs and I need company."

Allison's death and finding out Isaac never left brought us a lot closer, even though I wanted nothing to do with him from the beginning but, eh. We all change.

"On a monday? Why aren't you there ?"

"They made it an off day for the test and I took mine my freshman year. So is that a yes ?" I say.

"Sure, I have time to kickback before it's time for me to get Alice off the bus."

"Awe, she started kindergarten? " I smile.

(Editing) descendant//t.wWhere stories live. Discover now