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\\ Scott

"Scott." A voice echoes in my head.

"Scott ? Are you okay ??" It echoes again and I blink a few times.

"Hm ?" I turn, facing Kira and Malia.

"Are you okay ?" Kira asks.

"Yeah-wait,where are we again?" I frown, looking around at an alley and a door to a building." And what are we doing ?"

"Oh God." Malia turns, running her fingers through her hair.

"We are at a Mexican club in Mexico owned by the Calaveras who took Derek." Kira explains.

"Yeah, and if we don't hurry up and get inside the plan could fall apart." Malia says, brushing past me and walking inside.

I start to walk forward but Kira stops me by putting her hand on my chest.

"Kira we have to get inside." I point towards the door.

"I know, but first you're going to tell me what's wrong." She says, looking me into the eyes.

"N-nothing's wrong." I lie badly.

"You know, I recently discovered a new hidden talent of my trickster kitsune spirit." She says casually.

I frown. "What is it ?"

"I can tell when someone's lying." She explains.

"I'm sorry for lying but--" I stop talking as I see a smirk form upon her face. "You don't have the ability to tell if someone's lying or not, do you ?"

"Nope, now tell me." She chuckles.

I sigh. "Fine...It's about Allison and Isaac."

"Really? What about them-What's going on ?" She asks.

"They have a daughter together." I tell her.

"What? How is that even--"

"Guys, come on !" Malia appears in the door.

"We'll talk about this later." I say into Kira's ear before following her inside.

\\ Chris

"Hold my ice cream, Papa." Alice hands it over to me.

I take it and smile, watching her swing from the monkey bars. We were at the park while Isaac was out running a few earrands, I don't know, he wouldn't tell me.

I watched as Alice goes to position herself on the slide, ready to slide down them.

"I wanna go down the slide." A little boy walks up to her and says.

"But I just got on." Alice says.

I frowned, quickly standing as the little boy pushes Alice. She turns her head slowly. Quickly I noticed her eyes glow and her growl a little, while putting her hands up to the little boy's neck.

"No no, Alice sweetie let him go." I run over to her, throwing her ice cream cone down.

I quickly picked her up, walking away. When I looked over at her, she had calmed down and was pouting.

It's worse than I thought. .

"We have to teach her how to not lash out in public." I say to Isaac after explaining what had happened earlier.

"Well, Chris. Not everyone has the ability to compartmentalize their emotions ." He retorts.

"Grief and anger are not the same thing so don't try and categorize it." I scowl a bit.

"You're not gonna teach me how to raise my own daughter !" He yells.

"Oh, you mean the one you made with my daughter ?! You know I still think about it, if I should kick your ass or not for even touching my daughter!" I yell back.

"Oh, I can take you any day, old man--"

"STOP ITT !!!" A scream, followed by a powerful roar sounds off, almost shaking the entire building.

I frown, looking over at a heavy breathing Alice. Isaac and I looked at each other then back over at her.

"Alice, honey, how'd you do that ?" Isaac asks her.

"I-I don't know. You two were just fighting and-and.." She quivers her lip, starting to tear up.

"Hey hey hey, shh, no sweetheart."I kneel in front of her, wiping her eyes. " We aren't fighting, are we, Isaac ?"

"No, pumpkin. We were just having a little disagreement but we're fine now." He smiles a bit.

"Okay." She says while yawning.

"Go head to bed pumkin, I'll be in to tuck you in. Okay? " Isaac kisses her nose.

She nods and trudges down the hall into her room/Allison's old room.

"Can we get along for Alice's sake ? I'm gonna need your help with helping her through her first full moon, since I'm no expert." He says. " I mean you remember how I was when I was locked in the Station's jailcell. I wanted to kill everything and anyone in sight. I don't want her growing up like that."

"She won't, because you'll have my help." I smile.

He holds out his hand and I smirk before pulling him into a hug.

"Forgot you were a hugger." He chuckles and then I tighten my grip." Okay, hugging a little too tight, Argent."

"Payback for calling me an old man."

Awe, can you feel the love ? I have just been updating back to back lol

Follow! !

~TW_Nerdd (:

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