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\\ Scott

"Did you tell Argent yet?" Stiles asks as we were outside on the lacrosse field.

"Ah. I texted him but he didn't get back to me." I say.

" You told him his sister Kate came back from the dead over a text?" Stiles frowns.

"Yeah, I mean I didn't want to go over there." I say, tightening the strings on my net. " I don't wanna be anywhere near Isaac."

He sighs. "Scott, even though I wasn't fond of him in the beginning, you two are still friends. Something like this, you shouldn't let get between your friendship."

"He betrayed me Stiles." I say.

"Okay, yes, he hooked up with Allison and they made a child together." He goes on. " She's here now, there's nothing we can do about it except welcome her."

"If Allison was supposed to have a child with someone, it was supposed to be with me." I admit.

"Do you even hear yourself right now? " He shakes his head and I sigh.


"Alice, honey, stand up against the wall for me." I say and she does exactly that.

I take a sharpie and mark above her head on the wall.

"You're getting slighty more taller." I sigh.

"Is that bad ?" She asks, holding onto her bear.

I kneel down in front of her. "I don't know sweetheart, it's definitely not normal. But I don't want you worry, okay ?"

She nods.

"Okayy ?" I say, tickling her.

"Okay !" She squeals and giggles.

I chuckle and put her down.

"Can I watch cartoons now ?" She giggles.

"Yep, and I'm gonna join you." I smile, walking over to the couch with her.

I grab the remote and sit down next to her. "Now, what is the channel for cartoons? Your Papa usually knows this better than I do." I say, surfing through the channels.

"Hm, is this-" I frown as I see the news headline [Family killed by an axe murderer]

I turn up the volume. "The Walcott family was murdered last night around midnight. Sources believe to say that the eldest son escaped and was found at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital. More when we return from the break."

"This isn't good." I mumble.

"Something's bad happening, isn't it ?" Alice asks.

"Yes, something really bad..Okay, sweetheart. " I say, turning off the tv and facing her. "Should I do the right thing and help Scott ?"

"I'm gonna say yes just because I have no idea what you're talking about." She smiles, nodding, reminding me of Allison all over again.

I laugh. "You definitely are my child."

\\ Chris

"While your daddy is out, I thought we'd have a little chat, hm? And I can show you something." I say to Alice as we sit in my car.

"Show me what ?" She asks.

"Come on, you'll find out." I say, unlocking the doors in getting out.

I held out my hand as she walked around the car. She grabs onto it, looking up at me.

"Where are we? " She asks.

"My old house." I say, leading her up the walkway to the porch.

I let go of her hand, fishing for my keys in my pocket. I find them and unlock the door. I open it, letting her in first. I shut the door after us, taking her hand again and leading her down to the basement.

I pick her up, flicking on the light switch. I walk down the stairs, making my way over to the counter, setting Alice onto it.

" My father, your great grandfather, Gerard, was definitely a force to be reckoned with." I explain to her. " He taught us, no matter how young you are, if you were an Argent you become trained to be a hunter or a huntress. We had a code, a selfish and cruel code. Nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent.We hunt those who hunt us. "

I walk over to one of my metal briefcases, punching in the code and unlocking it.

"Allison, your mother, came up with a code that symbolizes what us Argents are really known for. Nous protégeons ceux qui ne peuvent pas se protéger leurs-même. We protect those who cannot protect themselves. . As hunters, we have our own weapons. Your mother, her weapons were daggers and her bow and arrow but the bow and arrow was her favorite." I say, taking out a miniature bow and arrow, turning to face her. "I took the liberty into making you your own."

"Wow, really? " She smiles and I nod.

"Okay." I help her down and hand her the bow as I go to get an arrow. "Hold that with your left hand."

She does that and I kneel by her, sliding the bow into it's place.

"Now, walk over here with me." I stand, leading her to the target on the wall.

"You're gonna pull the bow back to the corner of your mouth." She mimmicks my instruction. "Elbow down just a tad and aim at the middle...release."

She releases and makes it, making me smile.

"I did it !" She giggles.

"Good girl." I kiss her forehead. "Good girl."

Awe, little Allison in training lol.

Follow! !


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