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And here's the epilogue. Enjoy.


"I think I know a way to slow down Alice's growth expectancy."

"What ? How ?"

"Well, it's really not something to be explained in words."

"What do you mean ?"

"Just-just give me a few days with her. . . But I can't promise that something won't change.."

"Isaac, wake up." I hear as I slowly open my eyes. I look up to see Chris hovering over me.

"Hey. I thought you left." I yawn out as I sit up, stretching.

"Yeah, I came back for a few things. Anyway, Deaton's on the phone." He hands me the house phone.

"Hey, Deaton. What's going on ?" I ask over the phone.

"I need you to come to the clinic."

"Is something wrong ? Is Alice okay ?" I ask.

"Just come to the clinic, okay ?"


I open my eyes to a bright light. Squinting, I sit up slowly to see that I was in a room that looked somewhat similar to a hospital but not quite.

"I need you to come to the clinic." I overhear from a familiar voice.
"Just come to the clinic, okay ?"

I turn to see a man facing the opposite way of me. His silhouette looks familiar to me. I start to remember a name my dad once said .."D-Deaton ?"

He turns, smiling softly. "It worked."

"What worked ?" I frown.

"Oh nothing, dear." He chuckles a bit, holding out his hand. "Your dad should be here in a few."

I take his hand and he helps me off of the table.

"Deaton ?! Where's--" I hear and smile when I see my dad.

I watch as he frowns. "Who's this ? Where's Alice ?"

"Isaac, this is Alice." Deaton says.

I can't believe he doesn't know who I am.

"No, it isn't. Look Deaton this isn't the time to--"

 Look Deaton this isn't the time to--"

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"But dad I am Alice." I tell him.

"I don't know what kind of sick joke you two are playing but I swear if my little girl is--"

I step towards him, making him stop talking. I continue in his direction as he steps back a bit. I put out my hand to stop him and it works. Gesturing with my finger, he brings his face close to mine. I then gently lay my hand on his cheek, rubbing my thumb against it a bit.

His eyes meet mine, widening them. "It is you."

There ya have it. Until the next book. Look out for the sequel 'desolation.'

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