Chapter 7

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After we finally got out of the cave, the heroes found Knuckles and I booked it so the heroes wouldn't see me.

A part of me wishes we'd had never gotten out. Now I'll have to deal with Chloe, Bianca, and the others again, and Knuckles... will have a perfect life with no problems to deal with other than small demon attacks. Of course.

Why can't I get Knuckles out of my head? He was just one person. Besides, we've only been together for two days. I cursed myself for showing emotion especially in front of a hero. He didn't seem to mind about it though. His presence was comforting in a way.

Ugh! Sonic, snap out of it. You two are on opposite sides. You shouldn't be feeling these feelings and never should he, if he even does. What are you kidding? No he doesn't! What has the master told you!!? Heroes will only deceive you and betray you at the right moment. Heroes...will...But Knuckles—

I'm never going back am I?

I dragged a hand down my face as I stopped in the middle of the forest, groaning of annoyance towards myself. I SHOULDN'T BE FEELING THIS! WHY AM I FEELING THIS!? I screamed at myself internally.

I don't understand. Why? What has my time with Knuckles done to me? I can't be overcome with these emotions, I.. I'm a demon, heartless and cruel as the heroes think I am, I...UGH! SONIC SNAP OUT OF IT!!!

Well, I guess since I'm not going back to the demons thanks to love, I guess I should find shelter. But as I walked, I felt a presence behind me. It wasn't a good one. "So, you're the one who kidnapped Knuckles?" It asked growling furiously.

Ha, ha, ha, I'm dead.

I turned around and yep. My suspicions were confirmed as I saw the ultimate lifeform himself. "And you're the one Knuckles was so afraid of? Doesn't seem like much of a threat to me." I hissed. "Well that echidna SHOULD be afraid of me. So should YOU! What were you after?!" asked Shadow.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not. Also, I'm not gonna answer that." I argued. "No one gets to mess with my friend and get away with it, especially not what happened after Maria!" said Shadow. I froze, having heard about the Maria incident but for some reason remained snarky.

"Oh really? How is she? I heard she's dead." I teased. "YOU.WILL.DIE." threatened Shadow. "Chaos spear!!!" I was stunned, but moved out of the way I just in time for the spear to hit a tree where squirrels lived.

"I thought you heroes believed we were the murderers," I called as two adult squirrels and two baby squirrels dropped dead on the floor, grimacing at the sight of blood. "You aren't doing a very good job of keeping that intact."


Chaos Control. I've heard of that trick before. Chaos Control users always attack from behind... or above! "TOO SLOW!" I shouted, dodging in time, leaping onto a tree just in time for Shadow to reappear, but he teleported before he could hit the ground.

I waited until he reappeared to uppercut him. Shadow was stunned with shock for one moment too many as I came from behind and spin dashed him in the back. He landed onto the ground with a thud, groaning weakly as I appeared in front of him.

"H-How?... No one has ever evaded my Chaos Control like that, let alone catch me off guard." asked Shadow in surprise. "I know Chaos Control users. Heck! I work alongside one," I answered. "And I know very well how to catch people off guard. Use the element of surprise to my advantage."

Shadow sighed. "If the weak are like you, who knows how strong the strong really is." He sighed. "W-What?" I asked. "How do you know about that?" The only person I ever told about the two sections was Knuckles. How does Shadow know about that!?

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