Chapter 12

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After Silver cooked breakfast and we ate it, me and Sonic were chatting in his room. "Got to hand it to the guy, he's great at cooking." admitted Sonic, leaning backwards. "I agree. The best cooker in the heroes, I'd say." I agreed.

Sonic nodded. "Nice to see you in your mortal form, Sonic." I complemented. "Yeah, it's been a WHILE... It mostly activates against my will but it rarely actually corporates." agreed Sonic. "Heheh,well glad it does right now." I chuckled.

He joined and after the laughter died down, I looked at him and he looked at me. We looked at each other for a while, before I spoke. "Sonic, can I tell you something?" I asked. "Sure, anything." answered Sonic. I sighed. Now or never.

"Ever since I've met you I haven't been able to get my mind off of you. A part of me wishes we'd have never gotten out of that cave, because... you were right. I couldn't bare to be away from you." Sonic's eyes widened in shock before letting me continue.

"I was so happy when you said yes to joining the Heroes. I didn't know what was so different with you. Maybe the fact that you didn't believe in the same stuff the demons did. But know I know." I smiled at Sonic, and he looked at me with an intrigued look.

"I know now why I was so happy to have you in the Heroes. I think I should share that reason with you." Sonic froze, having an idea of what I was fixing to say. "Sonic, I love you." I confessed, and by the time I said that his eyes were as wide as a crevice.

He blinked in surprise, then spoke after a few more moments. "I love you too Knuckles." whispered Sonic, though it was loud enough for me to hear. "I wasn't able to get you off my mind either. I almost considered leaving the demons for good before I encountered Shadow." He explained.

"Really?" I asked in surprise. "Yeah. I would've probably went straight to the heroes, you asking me or not. As you know, I've been longing to leave the demons for a while, but I never thought it would come to this. That I'd be part of the heroes and fall in love with the strongest one." explained Sonic, smiling at me.

I smiled back. "Do you..wanna be my boyfriend?" I asked. Sonic looked up at me. "Dude, did we NOT just have a love confession a few seconds ago? Of course, yes!" Sonic deadpanned, and nudged me playfully.

"What are we going to tell the others?" I asked. "Ehh, leave them on the hook. It's better to keep it a secret cause if I've learned anything from hanging with the demons it's that some people are... how you say...homophobic." answered Sonic.

"The heroes aren't like that," I argued. "That's what I was raised to believe about LBGTQ+ and others." stated Sonic, getting off the bed and scratching his quills in embarrassment. "Why are you saying yes then?" I asked with a saddened face.

Sonic's embarrassed look softened into one of guilt and remorse. "I don't know, honestly. Although this relationship takes everything I was raised to believe and skews it, it's just... a feeling." explained Sonic, crossing his arms.

I also got off the bed to get closer to Sonic. "I get it. Love is a complicated emotion, yet the most powerful one." I comforted, putting my oversized hand on Sonic's shoulder.

"You were raised with the demons; no one here could expect you to know what love is instantly. You were raised to believe that love is meaningless. I know that; and we don't have to date right now if you don't want to." I assured.

Sonic sent me an angry glare. "What part of 'of course, yes' do you not understand, you knucklehead?" He gave me an unimpressed look and his arms returned to his sides. "I get you care about my feelings. But once I say yes, you've gotta understand that you're not getting rid of me easily even if you were to try."

"I don't think I would ever try to get rid of you." I stated. "Don't worry, Knuckles; I'm here to stay." reassured Sonic, smiling at me. I smiled back and we stayed in this position for a few moments, lovingly gazing at each other.

"When are we going to tell the others?" I asked. "Probably when they start suspecting." answered Sonic. I nodded. "Okay, well, I'm going to my room. See you soon, Ogilvie~" I teased. "What did I say about calling me that!?" asked Sonic, preparing to lunge at me.

I chuckled in amusement. "Sorry, but your reaction is so cute~" I answered, getting out of the room before I lose more than my communicator.

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