Chapter 11

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"Sonic, welcome to HQ."

As the long walk finally reached an end, two doors opened up to reveal the Hero Headquarters. Me and Knuckles walked in and I turned into my mortal form just in case as to not spook the heroes. We walked into the room where everyone else was.

"Hey guys! We're back!" called Knuckles. A two-tailed fox, possibly Tails flew down to us. "Nice to meet you, Sonic. You probably already know my name." greeted Tails.

"Yeah, Miles Tails Prower. Leader of the Heroes. FYI, Master does not like you at all." I revealed. "Or anyone, for that matter." Tails giggled. "Brave enough to insult the Master. I like you already, Sonic." He complemented.

"Tails, shouldn't we introduce him to the others first?" asked Knuckles. "Oh yeah!" recalled Tails, jumping up and flying towards a silver hedgehog and a purple cat. The hedgehog was the first to approach me.

"Nice to finally meet you Sonic, the name's Silver and this is Blaze. Knuckles has told us all about you." revealed Silver. "Nice to meet you Silver." I smiled. "Sonic, nice to see you again." commented Shadow behind me.

"You too, Shadow. Although I think you're going to see me so much you're going to be sick of me." I joked. "If this joke thing is going to be a daily routine, then I'm throwing you into the nearest black hole." threatened Shadow.

"Like you could even catch me, roller skates." I replied. "Sonic! Long time no see!" said a familiar voice. "Eggman! Nice to see you. How've you been?" I asked. "Living my best life here with the heroes. Are you joining?" asked Eggman.

"Heck yeah. It's not like the demons would miss me anyways." I agreed. "Is that all of us? Where's Rouge and Omega, Shadow?" asked Tails. "The bat and the tincan? Up in their rooms, as usual." asked Shadow, crossing his arms.

"Rouge and Omega are part of the heroes?" I blinked. Rouge was a mysterious jewel thief. Master hired her to steal a Chaos Emerald for him but she never returned it. Omega was a robot part of the demon army built by Eggman, but left when Eggman 'died'.

"Know them?" asked Shadow. "Rouge has... flirted with me once or twice, and Omega once mistook me for an enemy." I glanced at Eggman. "I'm sure we both know how that turned out." Eggman smiled sheepishly at everyone.

"Rouge and Omega are... partly heroes." summarized Blaze, sitting on a chair on the table. "Partly?" I repeated. "Partly. Rouge and Omega goes rogue on us sometimes. It's really annoying. Like Knuckles the Echidna all over again." explained Amy.

"Hey! I didn't go rogue on you guys...much." hissed Knuckles. "I only went rogue on you guys when it was completely necessary."

"Sure, like that time I tricked you and-" started Eggman. "Say it and your two robots won't be the only ones going missing." threatened Knuckles.

"I thought we agreed never to talk about Orbot and Cubot, Nipples!" hissed Eggman. I awkwardly looked away from the conversation because I knew what happened to Orbot and Cubot.

Tails grabbed my arm. "Let's give you a tour shall we?" asked Tails, dragging me away from the argument and into an elevator. We stood in the elevator awkwardly, not talking to one another.

"What was it like being part the demons?" asked Tails suddenly. "Terrible. What is it like being the leader of the heroes?" I asked as I looked up at him. "Startling. I used to have nothing but a box that says fragile as a home, then out of nowhere I have this."

It was quiet for a few moments. "We're not that different y'know. We've both been bullied. I've been bullied for my extra tail, and you've been bullied because you're one of the weak." explained Tails. "I thought the extra tail was pretty cool." I revealed.

"Really? Thanks." thanked Tails, smiling brightly. "Your welcome, though I'm mostly forced to say that because there's several nine tailed foxes in the army." I revealed, scratching the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"Ooo, so there is more foxes like me." realized Tails. I nodded, smiling. "Lots." I corrected, remembering that nine-tailed foxes covered an entire quarter of the demon army. "Anyways, how did you get into the demons?" asked Tails curiously.

I paused at the question. "Well..." I started.


At five years old, I was following my mother, a purple hedgehog and my father, a light blue hedgehog. "Where are we going?! Where are we going?! Where are we going?!" I asked optimistically, running circles around them rapidly.

Mom and Dad exchanged remorseful glances as they kept walking, soon finding a cave. "Sonic, go in here." said Mom, pointing to the cave. I nodded, rushing towards the cave soon figuring out that Mom and Dad weren't following.

"Mama? Daddy?" I asked. Dad was closing the cave with giant boulders and he looked at me with guilt in his eyes. "We're so sorry, Sonic." apologized Dad before closing the cave entirely. I panicked, anxiety rushing through my veins as I desperately tried to open the cave.

"MAMA! DADDY! Don't leave me here! Please! Wait! WAIT!!" I heard sobs outside the cave, and soon nothing as they walked away. I cried uncontrollably. What did I do wrong? "Hello, little one," hissed an unfamiliar voice. I jumped, quickly getting into a fighting stance.

"Wh-Wh-Who are y-you?" I stammered, grabbing a rock and preparing to throw it at the voice as I rapidly looked around the cave. "I will not harm you. My name is Master, and you are coming with me." assured Master.

"What if I say no?" I asked. Master giggled, coming close to my face. My ears pinned back and I looked at him with complete fear in my emerald-green eyes. Was this my end? Was I going to die today of all days?

"Not an option."

||Flashback ends

Tails gasped as I finished the story. The elevator had already opened but neither of us noticed. I crossed my arms staring aimlessly at the ground and away from Tails. Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into an embrace.

"You're not alone."

I froze, gasping silently as I quickly unfolded my arms, staring at the two-tailed fox as if he was crazy to hug a demon such as me. He failed to notice this as he hugged me tightly, closing his bluebell eyes firmly.

It felt...right. Safe. I was not used to affection such as this, nor was I used to anyone touching me without hurting me in the process. Why did this feel so right? I wrapped my arms around him. This is how a hug works right? Yeah, I'm pretty sure.

After a while, we pulled back. "I'm orphaned too. I was abandoned as well." he revealed. The leader of the Heroes? An orphan? That's not something you see everyday. "But I found my way. You'll find yours." said Tails, finally walking out of the elevator.

I followed suite, seeing a huge room with obstacle courses all over. "I'm guessing this is the training room?" I guessed, looking at Tails. "Yep. We each have our own course. Yours and Shadow's is over there," revealed Tails, pointing to mine and Shadow's.

Ours were just a bunch of booby traps built to catch us. "Old school," I scoffed. "Even the demons had better equipment." We went into the elevator again, and went up another floor.

"These are the dorms. Each of us have their own." We walked through the hall, and I saw there was a name tag for each room. Then I saw mine. SONIC. "Mine, I'm guessing?" I asked. Tails nodded, and let me in my new room.

There was everything you'd need in a room. A bed, computers, television, and last and definitely the most useless, a mirror. "Uh, Tails?" I asked skeptically, looking at him. "Yeah?" asked Tails. "The mirror is useless. Demons can't see their reflections." I pointed out.

Tails paused, obviously embarrassed. "Whoops, forgot about that. I'll have Knuckles punch it down later." He apologized, sheepishly smiling and chuckling. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Well, I'll give you some time to settle down while Silver cooks breakfast. Bye!" said Tails.

"Bye!" I replied as he closed the door. I instantly collapsed on my bed. Definitely more comfortable than a cold, hard floor. I sighed, smiling brightly.

I think I'll like it here.

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