Chapter 14

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A few months after I joined the heroes and started dating Knuckles, everything was golden. Yeah, the others did soon find out about me and Knuckles's relationship...Tails tortured the poor guy nonstop.

Me and Shadow gained a bit of a rivalry. We fight monthly. I think it's getting on the others' nerves, especially Knuckles. Let's just say, bees aren't the only ones ruining picnics anymore. It starts out as a nice date, then an all out brawl.

And yeah, Master was FURIOUS when he found out about me joining the Heroes. We could hear him screaming my name furiously all the way from the Hero HQ. I also gained an interest in making enemies, for some reason. Knuckles is rubbing off on me.

With my help, the Heroes gained much more members. The Babylon Rogues, The Chaotix, two rabbits named Vanilla and Cream, a pirate named Marine the Raccoon, etc.

Eggman had decided to build a robotic version of me, for some weird reason. Shadow was furious, but for me, the more the merrier. I guess Shadow is just jealous cause he's not the only speedster on the team anymore.

Oh, and another thing. Tails found these weird gems called Chaos Emeralds. We don't know what they are besides the fact that there's seven of them and they copy that weird human series called "Dragon Ball Z".

The only one we've found is a blue one. Funny enough he found it hours after I joined. Coincidence? Quoting the mini two-tailed Einstein, "I think not." He theorized that it chose me, because it made itself known only AFTER I joined the good side.

I shrugged it off and said it was a coincidence... although, I have been feeling some sort of a magnetic connection between me and the Chaos Emerald... but the others don't need to know that. Besides, it was probably just my imagination coming out to play.

Today, I was juggling the Chaos Emerald as I waited for some sort of alarm, a mission or something. I jinxed it as the lights went red and the alarms rang extremely loud. It really didn't help that there's THREE hedgehogs under the roof and our ears are EXTREMELY sensitive.

"Tails, did you HAVE to put this alarm SO LOUD!?!" I scolded as the two-tailed fox came into view as soon as I opened the door. "It was before Silver and Shadow joined! I didn't know that we would have hedgehog members, so cut us some slack!" hissed Tails.

Me, Tails, and Knuckles, who was in the hallway with us, ran over to the comms. "What you got for us, Sal?" asked Knuckles. Oh, and "Sal" is a nickname for Sally Acorn, princess of the Acorn Kingdom or whatever it's called.

"It's..." started Sally as I assume she was just starting to check it out. Once she saw it, she gasped. "It's Master! In the flesh! Or at least, I think it is. Sonic, I need you here!" shouted Sally. I nodded and ran to her with super-speed.

I got closer to the screen and I recognized the figure. "Yep, it's Master. In the flesh." I confirmed. "Computer, is there anymore life sings in the room?" asked Tails once he caught up alongside Knuckles. "None." answered the computer.

"Well, Master was an experiment after all." I revealed, putting my hand up to my chin. Sally looked at me with a remorseful look. "Sonic, I'm... sorry, but-" she started. I knew what she was saying and waved her off.

"It's okay, Sal. I'll deal with this one solo." I assured. I was not feeling as certain as my tone. My brain was shaking with trauma at the thought of confronting Master, especially alone. This is the first time since I've joined the Heroes that I've confronted Master.

But I got this. Right?

"As long as you are back in one piece, door's that way." sighed Sally, pointing towards the door which opened willingly. "Wait, does Sonic have to go alone?" asked Knuckles with concern as we turned towards him.

"Don't worry, Knux; I'll be back in a bit and in one piece." I comforted."Okay...I trust you." said Knuckles. I smirked and kissed him on the cheek before running off into the unknown. As I ran across the paths and into the factory in which he was at, I heard familiar, insane laughs.

"Hello, traitor. It's been a long time since you've chosen the wrong side." stated Master. "Yeah, I'd like to wait 1800 more long times before seeing you again, Infinite." I snapped. "DO NOT CALL ME THAT!" growled Infinite, grabbing me and smashing me into the wall, his insane yellow eyes glaring at me in pure hatred and malice

"YOU DISGRACE! I should've NEVER spared you! I thought I saw the darkness in you!" He roared. "No, you DIDN'T!!" I uppercutted him with my legs and punched him in the face. "You've got so much potential...all wasted on Hero scum." scoffed Infinite.

"Will you ever SHUT UP!!!" I spindashed him in the gut and kicked him and I landed gracefully, him not so much as he fell on the floor with a screeching sound. "It's over Infinite; you lost." I threatened. "Hardly," he scoffed and put his hand on my arm, electrocuting me in the process.


"Ughhh... where am I?" I asked as I woke up in a dark place. No lights, no sounds, nothing. Then out of nowhere, a glowing sound was heard as I was suddenly pushed into a wall. I groaned weakly as I quickly saw my attacker.


Wait, Silver?

"Silver? Wh-What's...what's going on? I thought you were back at Hero HQ, with the others. I don't remember calling for backup." I questioned, approaching him slowly. "Traitor. We trusted you." He growled. "What? What are you talking about...?" I asked.

"You killed everyone. You betrayed us." answered Blaze, approaching me hastily. "What are you talking about?" I repeated but Blaze shoved me into the ground where I bumped into Amy. "Murderer. Disgrace. LIAR!" shouted Amy.

She nearly hit me with her hammer before I moved to the side. "Silver, Blaze, Amy, wait! What are you talking about? What did I do wrong? Why are you angry?!" I questioned. "Look at what you did. YOU KILLED EVERYONE!" shouted Shadow, who punched me in the back.

I stumbled forward and now Silver, Blaze, Amy, and Shadow partially surrounded me. "Monster. Useless! Pathetic! LIAR! WORTHLESS!" echoed Tails, hitting me with his blaster and I hurried backward.

"Tails, Silver, Blaze, Amy, Shadow, WAIT! There must be a misunderstanding!" I begged. "Misunderstand this!" shouted Eggman as a robot tackled me from behind, sending me back on my knees after trying to get up.

"Eggman?! What the heck?! What is wrong with you all?!" I asked, confusion filling my tone. "What is wrong with you?" asked a familiar voice. No, no, no, no, no! NOT HIM TOO!! I begged both Solaris and Chaos that it wasn't Knuckles.

It was, and he wasn't doing anything, just standing there right in front of me. "I trusted you. I loved you. But you destroyed the city. You betrayed our trust. You betrayed me. And now YOU'LL PAY!" Knuckles punched me harshly.

There was mouthing but pure fear in my eyes as I attempted to block myself away from them. But what I saw on the reflection matched my demon form before I met Knuckles, only there was fresh blood...

My fearful face turned into one of horror and disbelief. "No, I couldn't have... No...NO!" I cried, crying softly as blood dripped from my eyes. However, in my despair I couldn't see that there were nightmarish vines starting to grow around me.

The vines quickly took me over before I could realize what was happening. They wrapped themselves around me as I trembled violently, breathing heavily as my mind turned to black.

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