Part one

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Courtney's POV

I sat there doodling on my notes listening to
the teacher, Mr chestnut talk about something I've already learned for the 45th time when we hear a knock on the door.

Gwen:"who is that?"

Lindsay:"is it Tyson?"

Tyler:"babe, I'm right here."

Lindsay:"oh thank goodness!"

Leshawna:"I heard some new kid is suppose to be here?"

Trent:"oh you mean the one that just got out of prison?"

Heather:"Ugg! Some ghetto kid outta prison, just what this school needed!"

I'm wondering inside my own head...

Who's this kid I'm just now hearing of?

Who are they talking about?

What if he tries something bad?

What if he's hot?

Eww no I need that last thought out of my head.

I look around at everyone talking about this new kid.

Mr chestnut:"I'll get the door"

The teacher walks up to the door to see the principal and the new kid.

Mr chestnut and the principal both talk to each other outside in the hallway.

Izzy:"WHO IS IT?!?"

Owen:"is it the pizza man? I ordered 10 boxes of pizza to this place."

Justin:"shut up y'all." Justin yelled as we were all trying to eavesdrop.

The door handle creaks.

What's happening? I thought to myself.

Duncan's POV

I get walked into this new classroom by the teacher.

All the stupid kids in here look at me with surprised look.

But one in particular looks away at the window.

She does not speak.

She does not look.

Over at me.

I look at her hair, and her pretty sideview of her face.

She's pretty.

Too pretty.

This teacher speaks loudly and I ignore it and just focus on her.

Mr chestnut: "class we have a new student welcome Duncan! "

I stand there waving at everyone until she speaks.

???:"whats a criminal like you doing here?" She says with concern.

Mr chestnut:"Courtney that was very rude of you to ask that! Say your sorry!"

I find out her name.


Courtney looks at me and speaks:

Courtney:"im very sorry." She says with a sad look on her face.

Duncan:"it's fine." I say with some anger in my voice.

Mr chestnut:"so sorry for that Duncan. Your new seat will be beside Courtney."

Courtney looks over at me with disgrace.

I walk over to sit down.

Courtney whispers:" look if your gonna rob me, or kidnap me do it later!" She says with a strong anger toward me.

I whisper back.

Duncan:"it's alright princess. I'll get used to it." I say.

Courtney goes back to doodling on her paper and whispers.

Courtney:"I'm not princess to you!"

Duncan:"yes ma'am." I say

She blushes a bit.

Then all of a sudden, a big loud noise goes off.

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