Part three

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Courtney's POV

I'm at Bridgette's house getting ready for the party.

Bridgette's is now pulling out makeup since she just finished my hair.

Bridgette:"OOO LOOKING GOOD COURTNEY!!" She said.

Bridgette and me have been close friends ever since we were seven.

I've came to her about everything.

Courtney:"aww Bridgette thank you!" I say smiling.

She starts on my eyeshadow after a while.

Bridgette:"so you like the new kid? Heard you talking to him!!" She said excited.

Courtney:"Duncan? Eww no!" I said making a really gross face.

Bridgette:"oh come on Courtney! You don't think he's a little cute or sweet?" She says.

Courtney:"well, he called me princess and says yes ma'am." I said with a big goofy smile appearing on my face.

Bridgette:"OOOOO YOU LIKE DUNCAN!" She says loud.

Courtney:"SHUT UP!" I say laughing.

We have a good time and finally leave to the party.

Duncan's POV

I finally am ready and text Geoff.

Text messages:
Duncan:hey dude coming to the party cya!
Geoff:let's go dude!!
Geoff:can I ask you something dude?
Duncan:yea what UPP
Geoff:do you like Courtney?

I stare at that text for a minute.

Courtney? Why would I like her?!

I finally respond.

Duncan:she's hot dude but nah I don't.
Geoff:Alr bro cya!

I leave the house.

Courtney. Courtney. Courtney.

Why won't she get out my head?

Courtney's POV

Me and Bridgette arrive at the party and see Geoff and Duncan together.

Bridgette whispers to me.

Bridgette:"imma go talk to Geoff go get your man!"
I whisper back.

Courtney:"shut up Bridgette!"

We start laughing and the guys walk up to us.

Geoff:"hey babe! What y'all laughing about.

Bridgette:"nothing don't worry." She looks over to me like she's about to laugh again.

Duncan:"hey princess!" He says while winking.

Courtney:"oh you." I say looking away.

Duncan:"look I'm sorry princess for whatever I did wrong. Your just so pretty Courtney."

Me pretty?

No one has ever called me pretty.

Was I really pretty at the moment.

My face felt flushed that moment I knew I was blushing.

I look back at him.

Courtney:"you really mean that?" I say with my eyes watery.

Duncan:"yes Courtney I really do I'm sorry for how I treated you earlier. It wasn't right at all."

I look at his face as sorrow as it is.

He is actually sorry.

I look at him.

Duncan:"may we spend the night together princess?" He says and takes my hand.

Courtney:"I would love to." I say with a smile.

We spent the night together dancing and having fun.
When all of a sudden, the host of the party walks out on stage.

???:"thank you all for coming to my party! I would love to give a toast to my girlfriend Courtney for helping me set up!"

What's happening? I'm so confused?

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