Part four

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Duncan's POV
The host comes up on stage.

Liam:"thank you all for coming to my party! I would love to give a toast to my girlfriend Courtney for helping me set up!"

Girlfriend? GIRLFRIEND?

I'm so confused.

Courtney looks scared and sad full of sorrow.

Bridgette and Geoff are right beside us.

Geoff starts shouting:


Bridgette starts yelling with him.


Courtney looks like she's about to cry.

Courtney:"imma just go." She runs away and out the door."

Bridgette starts talking to Geoff.

Bridgette:"imma go see if she's  ok-"

I stop her.

Duncan."no its fine you enjoy your night."

Bridgette:"you sure what if-"

I stop her again.

Duncan:"I'll go see if she's ok."

I walk outside to see her sitting on a bench. She's only 15 so she can't drive yet.

I walk up to Courtney.

Courtney's POV

I run out the room sobbing.

Why would he do this?


We're not together anymore.

I don't wanna be here anymore.

I can't drive so I sit on a bench outside the house.

I take a couple breathes and try to calm myself down.

And then he walks out.

Duncan:"hey what's wrong are you ok?"

He puts his hand up to wipe away my tears.

Courtney:"yea it's whatever." I say trying to hold in my tears and how hurt I am.

Duncan:"your not ok Courtney. It's ok not to be ok princess. Cry it out."

I sob into his arms.

He smells like notebook paper but like in a good way.

I cry and he pats my back in reassurance.

What did I do to deserve him?

He sits me back up and sits beside me.

Duncan:"look I know we got off on a rocky road but you can talk to me princess."

I giggle.

Courtney:"your such a Neanderthal!" I say laughing.
He looks at me annoyed.

Duncan:"just talk to me Courtney." He says begging.

So I tell him about me and Liam and what happened.

Duncan:"wow that's messed up he shouldn't have ever done that."

Courtney:"yea but it's over now that's all that matters."

He looks at me.

Duncan:"imma go mess him up."

Courtney:"no Duncan you can't you just got out of jail."

Duncan:"no court he has no right to treated you like that at all!" He says with anger entering his tone.

Courtney:"no Duncan please."

Duncan:"naw imma go mess him up."
Then he walked off.

Duncan's POV

After what Courtney told me I rushed back inside.

What a jerk! I can't believe the dude.

I was gonna go mess up this dude till he felt sorrow.

What was this feeling in me?

Was this what jealous felt like?

Why I'm a jealous over a girl I just met today?

Why do I feel jealous?


I rush up on the stage and grab Liam by his shirt collar.

Duncan:"hey dude you messed up!" I said.
And then....

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