Part six

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Courtney's POV -part six

Geoff walks in.

Geoff:"guys have y'all seen the news..." he says worriedly.


Duncan:"nah bro i don't watch boring crap."

Geoff looks freaked out.

Geoff:"well bro you might wanna go look."

He gets the remote and turns the tv on to the news.

News reporter:"this just now happened that we have a report of a murdered who killed Izzy Connelly was reported 2 minutes ago at Keith's Cafe. We have no clue who the murders real identification is yet so be aware of your surroundings. Until more information is provided, we cannot say anymore."

Geoff turns off the news as soon as she finished her sentence.

I started shaking.

I got up and ran to my bedroom upstairs.

(Bridgette and Courtney live together as roomies if you didn't know! I think I mentioned it! And yes I searched for Izzy's last name!)

Duncan:"hey where you going princess?" He says confused.

Duncan tried to follow me but Geoff puts a hand on his shoulder.

Geoff:"dude she will be fine she's just a little-"

Duncan:"no I wanna go check on her!"

Geoff:"ok dude!" He says walking over to Bridgette.

Duncan comes upstairs and knocks on my bedroom door.

Duncan's POV

Duncan:"hey court? Can I come in?" He says knocking gently on my door.

I wait patiently for a respond from princess.

Courtney:"yea you can!" She yells.

I opened the door, closes it and comes rushing to me.

Duncan:"are you okay?" I ask looking in courts eyes.

She nod her head yes but what I really know is that she isn't okay.

Duncan:"oh come on! I know you aren't!" I say teasing her.

She looks at me with her eyes watery.

My playing face goes real quickly to a im so sorry face.

She then looks at me and laughs.

Why in the world is she laughing?

Courtney pokes at me.

Courtney:"got you!! Your face!" She said laughing.
I turn away from her.

Duncan:"not funny at all!" I say with my arms crossed being sassy and silly.

Courtney:"stop being a baby!" She said mocking my exact position.

I pinned her arms to the bed.

Her face turned bright red.

I look at her.

Duncan:"who's being a baby now?" I say.

Then the door handle moves.

Courtney's POV

The door handle starts moving.

It's Geoff and Bridgette.

He still has my arms pinned to my bed.

Oh crud, Oh crud, Oh crud!

Bridgette smirks at me.

Bridgette:"what y'all doing? Playing policeman?" She says smirking.

Geoff goes along with her.

Geoff:"woah dude!" He says as Geoff and Bridgette laugh.

Duncan gives them a stare.

Duncan:"stuff it." He says blushing.

I look at him.

He looks back at me and gets up.

I get up as well.

The next day at school everyone is talking about izzy.

Tyler:"she was so funny!"

Lindsay:"yea imma miss Lizzy!"

Tyler:"love, it was izzy."

Lindsay:"oh ok thank you!!"

Tyler:"of course babe."

Owen:"MY IZZY!" He said throwing his fifth tissue box into the classroom trash can.

Heather:"I'm so NOT gonna miss crazy girl!" She said.

Leshawna:"girl your just cold hearted as crap."

Heather:"oh yea girl? You really think so?" She said testing Leshawna.

Leshawna:"girl now I KNOW your not talking to me like that?" She said pointing fingers in her face.

Heather:"oh yea I am! And also them earrings are ugly!" She said.

Leshawna:"oh no you didn't!" She said.

Then all of a sudden somebody walks into the classroom.

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