Part eight

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Heather's POV -part 8

We kissed.

He knew how to kiss me.

He's too perfect.

I thought being around Jose more than him would make him jealous.

It did. It really did.

Too jealous.

We sit back up in the desk.

Alejandro:"I'm sorry Heather." He said

I looked at him.

Heather:"what do you mean you're sorry?"
I said.

Alejandro:"I kissed you without your permission." He said.

Permission? Dang his mama raised him right!

Heather:"Alejandro, you don't have to ask."

Alejandro:"what do you mean?"

Heather:"I like you idiot!" I said.

Alejandro:"I like me too!" He said.

Heather:"you're such a jerk."

Alejandro:"and you're annoying." He said.

Courtney's POV

Me and Duncan are hanging out at the mall with Bridgette and Geoff.

Bridgette:"ooh let's go at Sephora!" She said.

Geoff:"noo!!!" He whined.

Bridgette gave him a glare.

Geoff looked scared.

Geoff:"ok ok stop! Let's go!" He said worriedly.
We had laughed.

Me and Bridgette went to go look at perfumes.

Bridgette had left after she didn't find one and went to go look on the other side.

Duncan walks up to me.

Duncan:"hey princess!, ooh pineapple that's just like what ur hair smells like!" He said.

Courtney:"shut up!" I said.

Duncan:"come on princess, stop the attitude!" He said.

I laughed.

Courtney:"what if I got the strongest smelling perfume here?" I asked.

Duncan:"then you would be the hottest girl ever!" He said.

I blushed.

Why can't he just let me have him.

Duncan:"aww princess is all red!!" He said teasing.
That knocked an idea in my head.

I'll get a Ariana grande perfume, he hates it.

One time, we sat down at mine and Bridgette's 
house he was telling a story about how some girl sprayed that perfume on him and that's why he dislikes Ariana grande so much.

Duncan watches me walk away.

Duncan:"hey princess where you going?" He asked.

Courtney:"to get Ariana Grande perfume! I love that!" I said sarcastically.

Duncan grabbed my arm.

Duncan:"oh no you're not." He said firmly.

Courtney:"um yes I am!"

Duncan:"no ma'am!" He said.

Courtney:"yes I am-" I got cut off.

Duncan:"no let's go!" He said.

Courtney:"ok I'm sorry."

Duncan:"yea whatever." He said.

He grabs my hand.

We all walkout with Bridgette holding hands with Geoff and Duncan holding hands with me.

He gave my hand a little tight squeeze.

We arrive at a new restaurant called  "Lane's space" and we put in our orders.

Geoff starts talking.

Geoff:"ok so while y'all were looking at the makeup store, we went and got y'all gifts." He said.

Bridgette:"what! How?"

I was as shocked as Bridgette.

Courtney:"um how??" We both were concerned.

Geoff goes first handing Bridgette his gift.

Bridgette's jaw drops to the floor.

Bridgette:"you did not." She said.

He got her a hoodie she's wanted for 6 months.

Geoff:"anything for you Bridgey!! He said.

Duncan pulls out his gift in a bag.

Duncan:"hope you like it." He says.

I pull it out and...

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