Part 15

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Duncan's POV

Tyler's dead.

Who would kill such a innocent guy?

This isn't ok.

Four murders in a week?!? That's pretty concerning.

We start to head back to Bridgette and Courtney's
house after we reported Liam's body in the road to the cops.

The school emailed something about staying home.

Who's doing this?..

Courtney's POV

We start to head back to Bridgette's and my house because the school sent out a email to all students about school being cancelled for the rest of the week.
Duncan is on his phone texting.

I'm finishing up my journal plans.

Until my pen runs out of ink.

Courtney:"ugh my pen ink!" I said putting my head down.

Duncan looks over then back on his phone.

What a jerk.

I throw the pen back in my bag and look for something else to write with.

I find nothing.

Duncan looks at me struggling.

Courtney:"what?" I said annoyed.

Duncan:"you need something to write with princess?" He asked.

Courtney:"yes!" I said.

He hands me a pen with a skull on top of it.
It's kinda cute?... in a weird way..

Duncan smiles.

Courtney:"thanks!" I said and journaled fast.

I finished journaling and put my journal up and take out my other notebook, the one with the random spirals when I got bored in class, the ones I had when I met Duncan that day.

I giggled.

Duncan looked over.

Duncan:"I wanna see!! What are you giggling about Mrs CIT?!" He asked.

Courtney:"oh. Nothing." I said trying to keep my laugh in from all the lazy drawings I had of Duncan shirtless.

I couldn't.

I busted out laughing.

Geoff stopped the car and everyone was looking at me.

Geoff:"dude why is your girl laughing?" He asked pretty concerned.

Duncan:"I don't- she's not my girlfriend!" He said.

Bridgette:"Courtney are you-" she got paused by my laughter.

I can't breathe.

I finally stopped laughing.

Duncan:"finally your done!" He said.

Courtney:"can you not be a party pooper?" I said.

Duncan:"what were you-" he snatched the journal out my hand and saw the drawings.

I ran out the car to a bench.

Duncan:"COURTNEY! WHAT IS THIS?!?" He yelled.

Geoff and Bridgette start giggling too.

We all had a great time on the way back.

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