Part 12

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Courtney's POV

The next day we are all getting ready for school and Duncan walks in the house.

I gave him a glare.

Duncan:"come on princess what did I do now?" He said.

I walked away.

Bridgette followed.

Geoff came up to Duncan.
Geoff:"dude she made you a cake for you last night and you didn't show." He said.

Duncan looked so sorry.

I felt bad.

Duncan:"I was at Alejandro's helping him find out who killed Heather the police haven't done nothing!" He yelled.

Geoff looked at him.

Geoff:"perfect! You AND Courtney are saying the same exact thing. How about You BOTH figure it out together! Bridgette and I told her there's no point but we are friends so I'll support it bro. I don't know about Bridgette though." He said.

I looked away and at Bridgette.

I whispered.

Courtney:"can you support me? Please Bridgette?" I asked.

She looked at me and nodded.

Bridgette:"it's worth a shot." She said.

We come out and go to the couch to watch something before we have to leave.

Duncan comes up to us.

Duncan:"I'm sorry how I talked to both of you last night. It wasn't right of me." He said.

I hugged him.

He blushed.

Courtney:"now that's what I wanted to hear." I said.

Duncan looked at me.

Duncan:"you're such a goody two shoes!" He said laughing.

Geoff and Bridgette started forming smirks on their faces.

Bridgette:"they missed each other so much and they weren't even apart for twenty four hours!" She said.

Geoff:"just get together already!" He yelled.

We both blushed.

Duncan:"we're just friends." He said.
I looked up at him and nodded.

We left for school.

Duncan's POV

We got into Geoff's car heading to school.

Bridgette in the passengers seat, Geoff driving, and me and Courtney in the back seat.

She was planning out her week in her little journal.

She looked so hot.

I kept looking over from my phone once in a while to see what she was writing.

Courtney:"keep your eyes on something else!" She said.

I smirked.

Duncan:"there's no one in the world I wanna look at but you." I said.

Courtney looked away with a glare.

I blushed hard.

Did that just come out my mouth?.

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