Part 17

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Courtney's POV

It's five in the after noon on a Friday and me and Bridgette just door dashed a lot of food.

Bridgette:"so glad we aren't paying for this food!" She yelled.

Courtney:" yea me too Bri!" I said as we both glanced over at the boys.

Duncan:"y'all can't be doing this every Friday!" He said rolling his eyes.

Geoff:"you can't- I mean do what ever you want!" He said with a scared smile.

We both giggled.

Duncan's POV

It's later that same day at 11:07 at night.

Geoff and Bridgette fell asleep beside each other  while me and Courtney are 3 feet apart.

She looked like she was shivering.

Duncan:"hey, scoot closer we can share a blanket." I said.

She got closer and right beside me.

We turned on a movie and watched it.

We ate most of the food that the girls DoorDashed.

Duncan:"hey, Courtney." I said calmly.

Courtney looks up at me.

Courtney:"yea what do you want!" She said a bit moody.

Duncan:"I'll still fix that attitude if I have to." I said determined to get the girl of my dreams.

Courtney huffs.

Courtney:"you said that twice now and still haven't!" She said smirking.

Duncan:"you haven't let me fix it!" I said.

Courtney:"well you can't! EVER!"

Duncan:"oh we will see Mrs there's always a stick up my butt." I said.

I finally made a move and grabbed her hand.

We were holding hands for the second time!!

I was screaming inside.

She leaned against my chest.

And I told her something I thought of every night.

Alejandro's POV

I found another poem.

Ballet dancer by Alejandro ( I WROTE IT NOT ALEJANDRO!)
In shadows cast by Heather's long black hair,
A tale unfolds of love both mad and rare.
Her laughter echoes, replays in my head
Yet behind those eyes, a fire began.
A dance of contradictions, a mystic grace,
In her reflection, slim and well placed.
Her love, a tempest, wild and fierce,
Her temper is what makes her hot.
Through tear-streaked skies, emotions soar,
Heather's love, a storm one can't ignore.
A symphony of chaos, her attitude.
In my heart, she leaves a scar non-healing.
Heather, I love you.

Alejandro <3

Courtney's POV

Duncan looks at me.

Duncan:"hey Courtney, every time I look at the stars, I think of you."

I blushed.

Courtney:"why is that?" I asked.

Duncan:"every night the stars shine brighter like your eyes do."  He said.

I smiled.

Duncan:"see I told you I would fix that nasty attitude." He said.

Courtney:"whatever Duncan!" I said rolling my eyes.
He grabs my chin and looks me in the eye.

Duncan:"you mean a lot to me Courtney. Your not some girl I just met two weeks ago, your my girl." He said.

My eyes started watering.

Then we.

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