Part 14

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Duncan's POV

Geoff slams on the breaks.

We all sling forward a bit.

He pulls over to the side.

Duncan:"hey dude! What was that for?" I said a bit angry because it's shocked me.

Geoff:"I saw a big lump on the road so I pulled over and slammed on the breaks." He said breathing.

Bridgette:"my nose almost hit the dash!" She yelled.

Courtney:"well since the car is stopped, we might as well see what it was..."  she said

We all get out the car and...

Geoff's POV

I just CANT believe it.

The dude that is LITERALLY the definition of evil is dead.

Liam is dead.

He's laid out on the ground, shirt ripped, and blue and purple bruises all over.

Courtney sat on the ground crying.

Duncan comforted her, even thought he looked really jealous.

Me and Bridgette just  stood there and hugged.

Bridgette:"who keeps doing this?" She said scared.

Geoff:"I don't know Bridgette, but we are gonna find out." I said.

I looked at Duncan.

Geoff:"dude! See if you can find any evidence!" I said.

Duncan started looking around.

We all looked for a solid 15 minutes and FINALLY found something!

Duncan:"hey! Look at this!" He said holding up a red bracelet.

Round beads, with a letter we couldn't read on it.

Geoff:"they smudged the letter!" I said angry.

Bridgette comes up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

Bridgette:"it'll be ok!" She said with a soft smile.

Then we got a text.

Another person is dead in the school.

The news popped up on my phone:

News reporter:"this is the third murder this week, we are sadly to report another murder. Is this all coming from the same person? Is there more than one? Who's doing this and why?"

I close off the app.

I can't believe it.

Another murder?

And I can't believe that.

Another person I know dead.


Courtney and Bridgette are already crying.

My eyes start getting teary but I hold them in.

Who's dead now?

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