Part 19

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Courtney's POV

We were heading back to the house.

Duncan:"Courtney! You ate my ham and cheese sandwich!" He yelled.

I just rolled my eyes.

Duncan:"oh it's gonna be like that?" He said.

Courtney:"yea bad boy. It is." I said.

Duncan grabbed my hand.

Duncan mocks me.

Courtney:"well not my fault it was in that basket full of food that YOU said I could eat."

Duncan flipped me off.

What a Neanderthal!

I turned my whole body around, my back facing his side.

Duncan:"fine if that's how you wanna be it's ok." He said.

We were quiet the whole ride back.

Bridgette's POV

We hear the door open.

Geoff:"Bridge,what was that?" He said.

Bridgette:"no clue Geoff, but where is Courtney and Duncan?"

Geoff:"oh he took her out this morning to watch the sunset!"

One thing I've learned living with Courtney, is to NEVER wake her up.

As soon as he told that I knew Courtney was gonna be in a bad mood all day.

Duncan:"Courtney! What is your problem today?" He yelled.

Courtney looks down.

Courtney:"shut up!" She ran upstairs to her room and slammed the door.

Duncan goes to the kitchen.

Geoff follows.

I go to check on Courtney.

Duncan's POV

I go into the kitchen to get a new snack.

Because mine "disappeared."

Geoff enters the kitchen.

Geoff:"dude! What happened?" He asked.

Duncan:"nothing dude leave me alone." I said fixing my new sandwich.

Geoff:"nah something happen, and your gonna spit it out." He said.

I rolled my eyes.

Duncan:"fine we kissed, and we are dating now." I said.

Geoff cheered loudly.


Duncan:"shut up dude! She's mad at me right now for yelling at her over a sandwich." I said scratching the back of my head.

Geoff:"dang dude."

As we were still talking we heard the girls upstairs.

Then we heard a thump.

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