Part 10

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Alejandro's POV
It's been a while since I told Heather to go take a shower and I've finished cleaning up the kitchen.

I was getting concerned so I went to go check on her.
I knock on the bathroom door.

Alejandro:"Heather! Are you ok?" I said.

No response.

At all.

I look up at the door crack and see fog!

Of course she's hogging up the hot water!

I open the door slowly.

I was horrified.

Courtney's POV

I cant believe it.

I just can't.

The girl that's been in most of my classes ever since kindergarten?

The girl that bullied mostly everyone growing up?

The girl that never shared her makeup?

The girl that always had mascara?

The girl that always had another girls back in sticky situations?

She was gone.

She was dead.

On the news she was laid on the floor, no clothes, and blood, everywhere.

The news reporter asked how Alejandro felt.

Alejandro had tears in his eyes but not one had dropped.

Alejandro:"I'm devastated I was IN LOVE with her. I still will be. She was funny,sweet,pretty, bossy and mean. I will always love her. Sweet dreams in heaven mi amor."

I was crying.

Bridgette was crying.

Geoff was too.

Duncan wasn't.

Duncan looked at all of us.

Duncan:"get over it she's gone you can't do anything about it."

I looked at Duncan with a glare.

Duncan:"ok ok I'm sorry court." He said looking away.

Bridgette:"softie." She said.

Duncan gave her a glare.

Duncan:"shut it surfer girl."

He walked off and out the door.

I spoke after I was done crying.

Courtney:"we have to do something about this! The cops don't give a crap! We do! Someone killed Heather out there and Izzy as well! We have to do something we-" I got paused.

Bridgette:"what can we do?" She said looking at me torn apart.

Geoff:"there's no point." He said.

I walked off to the kitchen.

I bake and cook to cope with my feelings.

I started pulling out a cake mix.

And started mixing them.

Duncan's POV

I felt bad how I talked to Court and Bridgette earlier.
I know it wasn't right.

I wanted to find out who killed Heather.

Alejandro fell head over heels for her and she's gone too? After Izzy just got killed 3 days ago?
It seemed oddly suspicious even I knew that because guys have been in jail for this kind of crap.

Of course, I knew the police wasn't going to do anything.

They never did.

So I went to Alejandro's house...

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