Part five

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Duncan's POV

I punch him. Hard.

Liam:"dude what was that for?!"

Duncan:"you know exactly what you did fool. Don't even start."

Liam:"oh bro I don't know who you think you are but you better stop!"

Everyone is watching.


Geoff is watching.

Bridgette is watching.

Princess is not watching.

We get into a huge fight.

Courtney runs in.

Courtney:"STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" She yells.

Everyone hears.

I stopped but Liam didn't.

Next thing you know. I'm knocked out and all I see are black lights.

Courtney's POV

I watch Duncan fall.

His head hits the floor hard.

Liam:" OHHH  Did I kill the dude?!?"

I run up to the stage.

Courtney:"Duncan? Duncan are you ok?!"

Liam looks at me.

Liam:"you pathetic piece of crap and your bad boy bf! Your lame why did I date you in the first place!"

He laughs along with some of his other jerk friends.

Geoff and Bridgette run up to the stage to.

Geoff:"dude you ok?!" He says concerned trying to shake Duncan awake.

Bridgette looks scared.

Leshawna pops up on the stage.

Leshawna:"boy Liam what you did was messed up dude and the fact we cousins too...."

Liam:"whatever!! Courts pathetic boyfriend couldn't save her anyway! He's knocked out!" He says
laughing like a jerk.

I get up off my knees.

I look Liam straight in the eye.

Courtney:"if you ever try anything again Liam I will get my lawyers on you!" I yell.

Then all of a sudden, I get huge applause from his little audience.

Liam:"Courtney, all you'll ever be in life is a failure like your parents have told you!" He says.

His whole audience starts booing.

Ha! Let's see who's pathetic now! I thought.
I speak up.

Courtney:"atleast he listens to me, actually cares, and is considerate unlike you were ever!" I say
pointing fingers in his face.

Liam:"ha whatever Courtney! Out!" He says pointing to the door.

Leshawna looks at Liam like he's crazy.

Leshawna:"oh yea? Well if she has to leave I'm leaving!"

Bridgette says something too.

Bridgette:"if courts leaving in going as well!"

Geoff:"so am I! We're done being friends bro!" He yells.

Everyone at Liam's party leaves.

I'm in Geoff's car with me and knocked out Duncan still in the back of the car and Bridgette in the passengers seat with Geoff being the driver.

Geoff:"court I'm so sorry that happened tonight we were just trying to have fun."

Bridgette:"yea I'm sorry Courtney I was just trying to make you feel better." She says.

Courtney:"it's ok guys it's the thought that counts. How about we all have a sleepover party at bris place?"

Bridgette:"yea I would like that very much." She says looking at Geoff with puppy dog eyes.

Geoff:"fine but don't come to me when your pregnant and not even 20!" He says playfully.

Me and Bridgette both laugh.

Duncan's POV

I wake up to the smell of pizza and cookies being baked and laughter.

Bridgette and Courtney look over at me.

Courtney:"your finally awake!" She says as she comes running to hug me.

Duncan:"I didn't know you like hugging me
princess!" I say as I pull my fingers through her short brown hair.

Bridgette:"aww my favorite couple!!"

Geoff:"oooo Courtney likes Duncan!" He says.
I still look around confused.

This isn't my place.

Duncan:"anyway what I'm I doing here?" I asked.

Bridgette speaks.

Bridgette:"well you were knocked out bc Liam punched you hard and Courtney thought we could all have a sleepover at my place." She says looking over at Courtney.

Courtney:"I'm so mischievous whahah!" She says laughing.

Geoff comes over.

Geoff:"hey bro you doing good! Want pizza or some cookies the girls made them!" He says giving Bridgette a kiss.

Duncan:"please I'm starving." I say.

Courtney:"your such a baby!" She says smirking at me.

Bridgette:"imma go help Geoff with the cookies so he doesn't burn himself." She says.

Duncan:"you like playing little game huh?" I say.

Courtney:"what if I said I didn't?" She says.

Duncan:"you little liar!" I say while tickling her.

Courtney screams.

Courtney:"stop it Duncan! STOP!" She says.

I stop.

Duncan:"what's wrong?" I say.

Courtney:"sorry I don't like being tickled too much!" She said giggling.

I look her in the eyes.

She's looking right back at me.

Why is this girl just too hot.

Courtney:"you Neanderthal!" She says.

Duncan:"you pretty little princess." I say.

And then.

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