Part two

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Owen's ordered pizzas had fell.


Gwen:"dang no more pizza!"

Leshawna:"oops my bad Owen!"

Owen got up from the floor and laughed.

Owen:"THANK YOU LESHAWNA NOW IM COVERED IN PIZZA!" He said while eating his pizza.

Mr chestnut:"well are we gonna need a janitor?" He asked concerned.

Owen:"dude! I'm gonna eat this up!"

Everyone laughs.

Courtney's POV

Class ends and I'm packing up my stuff. Everyone has left besides me, Bridgette, Geoff, and Duncan.

He gets on my nerves.

Bridgette:"hey you ok? You usually don't insult people like that?"

Courtney:"yea just overwhelmed."

Bridgette:"well, there's a party later tonight.. why don't we go you can set unloose and that stress can go away with a fun night."

Courtney:"sure." I said with a smile on my face with some hope.

Duncan and Geoff are still talking to each other and they looked like in the past couple minutes they've talked... they bonded well.

Geoff:"Ready to head out Bridgette?"

Bridgette:"yea are we still going to that party later?"
Duncan:"what party?"

Geoff:"oh Liam is throwing a party later dude! I'll ask him if you can come!"

Duncan:"thanks bro." He says.

Bridgette and Geoff are talking to each other and Duncan walks over to me.

Duncan:"Hey princess." He says and winks.

Courtney:"hey" I say looking away.

He grabs my face and looks me in the eyes.

I feel like I'm floating...

Why do I feel like this?

I look at him with my eyes in sorrow.

Duncan:"you ok?" He says with a soft smile.

Courtney:"I'm good leave me alone!" I say storming out the classroom.

Geoff:"dude! What is her problem!"

Bridgette:"she's probably just had a rough day. I'll text her."

Duncan:"ohh no wonder she's been insulting me all day."

Geoff:"what do you mean? Courtney never does that."

Bridgette:"yea she's nice and never insults anyone!"

Duncan's POV

I'm standing there in the classroom talking to Geoff and Bridgette.

I take a breathe and tell them.

Duncan:"she's told me to not rob her, I've called her princess and she's gets mad at me,"

I get paused by Bridgette.

Bridgette mumbles something I can't hear.

Geoff:"what babe?" He asks her.

Bridgette:"Duncan she's like that sometimes. If you get on her nerves too much she will do that. She's really nice I promise you she just needs to be relaxed at the moment."

Geoff:"yea dude Courtney, has had some trama a couple years back."

Duncan:"I didn't know that at all! Dang."

For once in my bad boy life, I felt sorry?

I've never actually felt sorry before about anything I've ever done.

Like trespassing,theft, and other crimes that I can't remember.

Why did I feel like this?

Why did I actually feel sorry?

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