Part seven

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Duncan's POV

It was Jose. Alejandro's brother.


Heather calmed him down.

Heather:"it's ok ale."

Alejandro mumbles something under his breath.

Jose:"Hola amigos! Yo soy Jose!" He yelled in Spanish with a smirk.

Everyone waved at him.

Heather:"pathetic!" She yelled and rolled her eyes.

Jose walked up to her and made eye contact.

Jose:"and your a very beautiful woman yourself." He said kissing her check.

And then.

Alejandro's POV

I felt the jealousy kicking in.

I don't even like this girl why am I so jealous?

Jose got closer to me.

Jose:"hola amigo!" He said.

Alejandro:"Leave me alone Jose!" I said.

Jose walked back over to Heather, grabbing her

I felt so jealous and angry.

Duncan walked over to me.

Duncan:"hey dude you ok? That's not really cool of your brother at all."

Alejandro:"just. Jealous." I said looking over.

Duncan looks at me.

Duncan:"oooooh dude you like her I knew it!" He said patting my back.

Alejandro:"QUIETE UG!" I said embarrassed.

Duncan looked back at me.

Duncan:"woah dude I'm sorry." He said and walked off to talk to Geoff.

Heather walks over.

Heather:"aww is amigo mad?" She said.

Alejandro:"stuff it Heather." I said crossing my arms.

She grabs my chin and stares at my eyes.

Heather:"stuff what?" She said with a smirk.

I looked her in her eyes.

Heather:"eww why are you looking at me like that?" She said.

Alejandro:"drop the act mi amor." I said
Heather:"what act?" She said.

Alejandro:"admit it, you think I'm hot." I say.

Heather:"me? Think you're hot? Please!" She said.

Alejandro:"you're in love with me!!" I said teasing her.

Heather:"very funny taco!" She yelled as she was making yucky faces.

Alejandro:"you are!"


Alejandro:"but mi amor, you are!"

Heather:"not so can you just-"

My face got closer to hers.

And we.

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