Part nine

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Duncan's POV -

It's a little heart necklace with a picture of me and Courtney inside.

Courtney looks back at me in tears.

Courtney:"thank you I love it." She says with a smile.

Geoff whispers to me

Geoff:"ok dude I see you."

Bridgette helps Courtney put the necklace on.

Bridgette:"it looks so pretty on you Courtney."


We leave the mall and head to Bridgette and Courtney's house.

Alejandro's POV

I went to heathers house for the night to hang out with her.

We were gonna bake some good cookies.

Heather starts reading the instructions.

Heather:"ok first we need eggs."

I stood there and Heather gives me a glare.

Heather:"go get the eggs!" She demands.

Alejandro:"yes ma'am!"

I go get the eggs and everything else we need for the cookies out of the cabinets before she can ask for anything else.

Heather:"wow I didn't even have to ask for the second thing." She said shocked.

Alejandro:"anything for you mi amor." I said.

Heather blushes and giggles.

She's too cute.

We start with the flour and I accidentally spilled it.

Heather:"Alejandro.... Now we don't have flour!" She whined.

I start touching her face with flour still on my hands and apron.

Alejandro:"mi amor stop the whinnying and enjoy the night." I said.

Heather:"sorry just..." she stops, picks up flour, and throws it at me.

Alejandro:"that's how it's gonna be huh?" I asked playfully.

Heather:"yea it is taco this is how it's gonna be."

We started throwing flour at each other and, then the eggs and everything else we had to bake cookies.
When we ran out of things to throw we both stood there and laughed.

Heather:"that was so fun! Too bad we gotta clean it up though."

Alejandro:"it's ok mi amor I got it how about you go get a shower?" I said.

Heather:"you sure?" She asked.

Alejandro:"it's good I got it." I said with a smile.

She ran off before I said anything else.

Heather's POV

I run to get into the shower.

I put the water all the way too hot because there is NO way I'm showering with cold water.

I hop in the shower and start to wash my hair until the lights go off.

I thought it was Alejandro playing around.

Heather:"Alejandro! Stop playing around with the light!"

The door opens.

I'm scared for my life.

I don't think this is Alejandro...

??:"hello." The voice says.

I scream and next thing you know...

Bridgette's POV

Me, Geoff, Duncan, And Courtney are all sitting down watching the tv when all of a sudden the channel gets changed to the news.

Bridgette:"Geoff did you change the channel?" I asked

Geoff:"no babe I didn't! Did one of you do it?" He asks Duncan and Courtney.

Duncan:"I don't wanna watch no news! What do you think I am 70?" He said.

Courtney:"no I didn't change it." She said.

We realize it changed because it's an emergency report.

Our jaws drop.

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