Part 21

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Heathers POV

Izzy's Alive?!?

This is crazy.

People thought she was DEAD.

And me too but who cares?

Izzy:"hey Heather!!" She said.

Heather:"how did you even get here- I've been trying to escape FOR DAYS."

Izzy:"the combination for the lock was written on the wall, and there was also some other weird lock but let's go!" She said.

We ran out of the abandon garage and I finally got to see the sun.

Heather:"YES!" I screamed.

Izzy:"shush people don't know we are alive!"

Heather:"so who did kidnap us." I asked.

???:"I did."

Courtney's POV

We were watching the news and apparently someone is on the run?

That's very weird.

But me and Bridgette were so bored!

We haven't been to school in days.

Bridgette:"you wanna go do something fun?"
I looked around.

Courtney:"sure!" I said.

We went to the kitchen to bake a cake.

Duncan's POV

I was driving around town with Geoff.

Geoff:"dude! Do you see that sunset?"

Duncan:"yea it's so pretty, like Courtney's eyes."

All I could think about all day was Courtney.

I couldn't get her out of my mind.

Geoff:"dude your obsessed!"

Duncan:"what? No I am not!"

Geoff:"dude! Yeah!"

Duncan:"I'm not obsessed." I said mumbling.

Geoff:"whatever lets you sleep at night." Geoff said smirking.

He was right. I am obsessed.

Courtney's eyes,

Courtney's hair,

Courtney's shampoo,

Everything and anything about Courtney

I love her.

Izzy's POV

Izzy:"umm... Heather."

Heather was cussing the kidnapper out!

I've never heard someone cuss a lot before.

????:"says the one who's been bald on TV!"

Heather:"says the one who lost their charm!"

Then some truck pulls up.

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