Chapter Fifteen- Bullied into Agreeing.

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Felix's POV

Only one question echoed in my head at that moment. How is my sugar and the CEO of Hwang Companies the same man?

I swear to god that they are different people. The Hyunjin with me is so different from what I thought he was going to be. He is not the scary, grumpy, moody CEO you see on the news, no, he instead is sweet. He is adorable in all aspects and I love him. My heart beats so hard for him that it has been really hard for me to wrap my head around how much I love him.

He treats me like no one has ever before.

That question was then replaced with yet another one that I still can't find an explanation for... How could I feel so much for someone that I barely met?

I mean. If someone is supposed to take the blame for the sudden swarm of butterflies I get in my stomach every time I see him, I don't blame me or my stupid little heart. I blame Hwang Hyunjin. Yeah, it is all his fault.

He and all his cuteness wore me down. Him and all his adorable self pulled me like a fucking magnet. It is his fault because he has only shown me love.

We could also blame Jeongin. After all, it is his fault that I ended up working for Fantasy Mates.

Scratch that.

I don't regret working for Minho. Doing so led me to meet my sugar. I will never regret doing anything about him. Not meeting him. Not letting him be my first when I can't think of a better man. Not today, not ever.

Is it selfish of me to think that Hyunjin looked happy when he was with me? Because to my eyes, he did. At that precise moment, he seemed so pleased to be by my side.

Spending time with him was like being in a dream— a beautiful dream— that I am not going to miss out on. Not even with the potential heartbreak I was destined to suffer in the near future.

The way he looked at me as if he was asking for permission to touch me— making my face grow hotter by the second— only to smirk when I nodded before he started to hum contentedly while he cleaned me.

Every stroke of that soft rag against my already too-sensitive skin made my entire body tingle for more. If he looked at me at that moment, I swear he could have seen little hearts in my eyes, but thankfully he didn't— so I guess I lucked out in that part. It would have been really embarrassing if that ever happened.

I mean, what kind of explanation could I come up with to convince him I wasn't staring when I was? What if he asked me what I had on my mind, and I couldn't come up with an answer that could explain the way I was looking at him like that?

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