Chapter three- The Non-disclosure Agreement

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⚠️🔞A lot is going on in this chapter... I have no idea what kind of trigger warnings to give you guys. There is a descriptive discussion of a sexual contract with details of the actions with the intention of creating a full consent between both the parties involved... 🔞⚠️

Anyways... I am slowly walking away and digging a hole now so I can hide from you guys...

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As soon as Felix comes back the first thing Minho does is apologize to him. His face is etched with nothing but regret as he says, "Felix, I want to apologize for the way I spoke to you. Please know that I feel really bad about it and that I didn't mean to hurt you or your feelings when I said that," his voice was low and gentle.

Felix giggles, "There is nothing you need to apologize for. I am the one who should do that. I lost my cool and broke down in front of you, I am so embarrassed," he says and lowers his gaze to the floor when he felt how his face was slowly heating up— staining his dotted cheeks and button nose with an adorable shade of pink, "I am sorry, hyung,"

"It is okay," Minho smiles, "I think it would be best if we move on from that subject. I feel like we are just going to circle around and around like a broken record— saying it back and forth to the other," he walks to where Felix awkwardly stood, reaching his hand out to make him look at his eyes, "Just know that it will never happen again, okay?" he whispers and Felix nods.

"I promise not to get on your nerves again, hyung,"

Minho tsks... "No. You don't need to change your personality for me. I will get used to it," he says and then backs away from the younger, "Do you want to sit back down?"


Minho walks around his desk for the nth time pulling the rolling chair and sitting with his back straight. He then looks up and meets eyes with a red-nosed Felix but this time he was calmer and had a little smile pulling the corner of his lips.

Minho claps loudly— making Felix flinch like a little hamster— before he begins to say what he had pull the younger to the office, "Alright Felix. I asked for you to follow me to my office because I need to see if you are okay with something," he pauses and looks at the younger waiting for affirmation.

Felix nods, "Okay. I am all ears, hyung,"

With a deep breath Minho adds, "I got a call today from one of our regular clients— he is really important for us. He hadn't called us or reached out in a while— about six months give or take. He is one of the most important figures in Seoul... He is also one of the wealthiest public figures in town and needs someone to come and keep him company for the night,"

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