Chapter Eleven- The Solution to the Problem.

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You guys don't know how hard it was for me to keep myself from publishing this chapter on the 6th... I am sorry. I am trying to write as much as I can so I can finish the book and do as many updates as I can... 

I can't still believe how people can do two or three updates on the same day! LOL

Anywho... Have fun. 

❤️❤️I love every single one of you. ❤️❤️

After Minho helped Felix and Jeongin to the car, he returned to Fantasy Mates

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After Minho helped Felix and Jeongin to the car, he returned to Fantasy Mates. As soon as he walked into his office, he could hear the rumble of Hyunjin's car coming through the speaker of his phone. Tilting his head to the side Minho walked to where he had left the device sitting on the desk and grabbed it, asking, "How come you are still on the call? I thought you were going to hang up,"

The raven scoffed, "How could I hang up? Do you think so little of me? He was crying," Hyunjin paused to curse at someone on the street, "Get in your lane asshole. Dumbass. Anyway, don't let Felix leave I am almost there,"

Minho scrunched his eyebrows together, "Wait. You are coming here? Like to the company?"


"Why though?"

"How could I not? He is crying because of me. Can you please ask him to wait for me to get there?"

Minho brushed his hair back with his fingers letting out a long-exhausted sigh, "They already left, Hwang, and I think it is for the best. Felix needs time and space to think and calm down,"

"But I wanted to see him," the raven seethed to the phone, "I was trying to get your attention ever since you dropped the phone."

"I know Hwang. I know you want to see him but I needed to give him all my attention. You weren't here to witness how broken he looked. When I turned around and saw his face... He looked terrified."

"Oh— believe me. I heard him," the raven whispered to the phone. His voice came out heartbroken as well... Maybe even more heartbroken than Felix himself.

"He is going to be fine, Hwang. You can still come if you want, I am still here and will be here for a while," Minho sighed, "Just come to see if we can figure out what to do. We need to come up with something good. Something that can be persuasive and ironclad. Something that people can believe and move on,"

Chan hummed interrupting them both with a small rasp of his throat, "Um— Jin, I think I have an idea on how to cover this up,"

Hyunjin whipped his head around to look at Chan and opened his eyes wide, waiting for him to continue, "Okay. Spit it out!"

"You are not alone?" Minho asked.

"No. I am with my best friend. He is cool about everything. He knows about me," the raven replied and turned back to look at the road, "What is your idea, Channie?"

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