SIDE STORY-2: The Cat Burglar

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After the chaos at the bank, I regrouped with the others at our hideout. The adrenaline from my encounter with Felicia, was still coursing through my veins. The hideout was buzzing with our usual mix of tech gear, monitors, and hastily consumed snacks, a stark contrast to the sterile, high-security bank I had just come from.

Zain looked up from his laptop, eyebrows raised. "So, who was it?" he asked, his tone urgent.

I took a deep breath. "Her name's Felicia. She goes by the name of 'Black Cat.' That's all I managed to get from her."

Agrim, ever the analytical one, immediately started typing on his own laptop. "The Black Cat, huh...? let's see what we can dig up."

The room fell silent except for the clicking of keys and the hum of our equipment. Arush paced, clearly still pumped from dealing with the arson attack in Chinatown. Zain was monitoring the news, ensuring there were no immediate threats we needed to address.

After a few minutes, Agrim looked up, his eyes narrowed. "I've found something. But it's not exactly about her. It's about her father."

We all gathered around, curiosity piqued. Agrim continued, "Her father was the original Cat Burglar. He was known for high-profile heists back in the day. Got put away because of some shenanigans surrounding Wilson Fisk and later died in jail."

"Fisk..." Zain muttered, his expression darkening. "So this could be about revenge."

"It makes sense." Arush said. "If Felicia Hardy is out for revenge against Fisk, she's probably targeting high-value items to hit him where it hurts, in his wallet and reputation."

I nodded, thinking back to my encounter with her. "She was good. Really good. And she had a personal vendetta vibe going on. This isn't just about money for her."

Agrim pulled up more information on the screen. "Her father was probably a big deal to her. Losing him like that, and knowing Fisk was behind it... it's enough to drive anyone to extremes."

We all knew what it was like to be driven by something personal. It was what made us put on the masks in the first place.

Zain tapped his fingers on the table, deep in thought. "Alright, we need to approach this carefully. Felicia's not just a thief; she's on a mission. If she's targeting Fisk, she's bound to hit some key places. We need to figure out her next move."

"And we need to be prepared. She's smart and resourceful. We can't afford to underestimate her again." Arush added.

I clenched my fists, determination setting in. "Let's start by mapping out Fisk's known assets and recent high-profile acquisitions. If she's going after him, she'll want to strike at something valuable to him."

Agrim nodded, already pulling up a list of potential targets. "I'll also look into any recent activity around Fisk's businesses. If we can find a pattern, we might be able to predict her next move."

Zain looked at all of us, a steely resolve in his eyes. "Let's get to work, team. We've got a Black Cat to catch and a criminal empire to dismantle."

As we dived into our respective tasks, I couldn't shake the image of Felicia from my mind. She was a formidable foe, driven by loss and revenge. But we were the Spider-Men, and we wouldn't let her—or Fisk—get away with their plans.


After hours of digging through Fisk's known assets and recent high-profile acquisitions, we finally had a lead. Zain was the one to find it, his eyes lighting up as he read the details on his screen.

"Guys, I think I've got something." he announced, turning the laptop so we could see. "There's a stone inscribed tablet that Fisk has been after. One of its broken pieces is currently in possession of a 'Mr. Moore' but is currently on display at the Museum of Natural History."

"What's up with people and tablets?" I asked, clearly getting a sense of déjà vu.

"That's got to be her next target." Arush said, leaning over to get a better look at the screen. "If Fisk wants it, she'll want to get it before he does."

Agrim nodded, already thinking ahead. "The museum will have tight security, but if Felicia's as good as we think, she'll have no problem getting in. We need to get there first."

I felt a surge of adrenaline. This was it—a chance to stop Felicia before she could pull off another heist. "Alright, let's gear up and head out. We need to stake out the museum and be ready for anything."


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