SIDE STORY-2: Nick Fury & The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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As the Spider-Men arrived at the imposing Helicarrier, a sense of anticipation crackled in the air. They stood in awe of the massive vessel, its sleek contours and advanced technology a testament to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s formidable capabilities. But their excitement reached a fever pitch when they were ushered into a briefing room, where the legendary Nick Fury awaited them.

"Wow, it's really him." Ritvik whispered, barely able to contain his excitement as he caught sight of the enigmatic director.

"He looks so cool..." Arush muttered under his breath.

Nick Fury regarded them with a steely gaze, his presence commanding respect and authority.

"Spider-Men~" he began, his voice a low rumble that filled the room, "We've got a situation on our hands, and it's a big one."

"You're telling us - this guy's been a pain in our ass since August." Agrim mentions.

"You... know about this?" Fury asks, a hint of anger in his voice.

"Uh... Yeah? I mean, kinda."

"We need to know everything you've got on this guy." Fury continued, his tone grave. "Any information you can provide could be the key to bringing him down."

Zain, Arush, Ritvik, and Agrim exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them as they prepared to share what they knew.

"We first encountered Mysterio at the Museum of Natural History." Zain began, his voice steady as he recounted the events.

"Mysterio?" Fury asked, confused.

"That's what he called himself when I first saw him." Zain shrugged. "Anyway, he was after a piece of an ancient artifact known as the Tablet of Order and Chaos. We managed to thwart his initial attempt, but we figured he'd be relentless on his pursuit to retrieve it back."

"And how exactly did you thwart his plan?" Fury asks.

"Well... I, uh- I may or may not have broken the tablet."

"...Excuse me?"

"Uh... I broke the tablet."

"Let me get this straight- an artefact with unimaginable knowledge inside it, and you broke it? Just like that?"

"Yeah... I kicked it very hard." Zain put a hand on the back of his neck, laughing sheepishly.

"He seemed pretty mad we did that, so he cast some sort of spell which put us under a trance, and made us have these... nightmares," Arush added, his tone tinged with unease. "It was like he got inside our heads somehow, messing with our minds."

"And you obviously saw the attack that occurred just now." Ritvik said. "He got away with another piece of the Tablet... We have to stop him somehow."

Fury listened intently, his expression unreadable as he processed the information.

"I see..." he said finally, his voice measured. "We've got our work cut out for us, but we'll get to the bottom of this. Thanks for filling me in, Spider-Men. Now, let's figure out our next move."

Fury moved along a table and tapped on it twice, which opened a holo-map.

"Look at this-" he pointed at one of the regions with a bright red colour. "This is the world map, and these bright red areas indicated high energy spikes in that area."

"Does that mean the Tablet was somehow scattered across the world when I broke it?"

"That seems to be the case." Fury said. "I think I know who to call regarding this issue, but I fear he might not be available."

"You mean Doctor Strange?"

"Yes. The good doctor is well versed in the mystic arts. He might have some insight about what this tablet is and what it can do in the wrong hands."

"Sooo... why haven't you done it yet?"

"I did." Fury replied dryly. "Stephen Strange is currently in Nepal, on some spiritual journey. I guess being a sorcerer has its own set of challenges you must complete."

"That sounds awesome, though." Ritvik said.

"I'm sure it does." Fury said, turning around. "But we need to focus on this Mysterio before he completes his quest. A week ago, a city in Mexico was wiped out by a monster similar the one we saw today. 3 days later, another city in Morrocco was wiped out. And now, the next attack will be in Prague, in approximately 48 hours."

"Huh? Did you say Prague?" Zain asks. "We can't go to Prague. Not after today's fiasco."

"Huh? Why?" The other three question his decision.

"Dude, if we go to Prague as the Spider-Men, and Agrim, Arush, Ritvik and Zain are missing from the class trip, what do you think will happen?"



"Understandable, have a good day."

"You kids have nothing to worry about." Fury says with a smirk. "Just leave it all to me. Now, hurry back to your class, otherwise your teachers might get suspicious."


"Oh, and before you go- take a look at your new suits." Fury gestures towards a cabinet, which reveals brand new suits for our Spider-Boys.

" Fury gestures towards a cabinet, which reveals brand new suits for our Spider-Boys

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[A/N: From Left to Right: Zain, Arush, Ritvik, Agrim]

"That is so freakin' cool..." Arush muttered.

"How do you sign up for a full time job around here?" Zain asked unironically.

"This is the best day of my life." Agrim said.

"I love my life." Ritvik mumbled.



Nick Fury has finally met the Spider-Boys. And he comes bearing gifts! New suits for the Spider-Men to completely sell the agenda of them being S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents to avoid suspicion on their alter egos.

Thank you for reading. Cheers ;)


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