CHAPTER-10: Smythe Strikes Back!

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The Spider-Men returned to the hideout, exhaustion evident in their every movement. They had just faced some of the toughest battles yet, and their bodies bore the marks of it. As they entered, Dr. Connors looked up from his makeshift lab setup, concern etched on his face.

"You're back..." Connors said, but his tone lacked the usual relief.

Agrim, still catching his breath, asked, "What's wrong, Doc? You did it."

"Yeah, the cure works. What's the problem?"

Connors sighed heavily. "You see the news lately? They're reporting that they're considering putting Manhattan under quarantine to prevent a potential pandemic. I'm trying to 'macro-up' my serum before this virus spreads outside of New York."

Arush, who had been leaning against the wall, straightened up. "What? Quarantine the entire island? That's insane!"

Connors nodded. "I know. That's why we need to act fast. I'll start mass-producing the cure immediately, but we need to get it distributed before the authorities take drastic measures."

He moved to his equipment, working with precision and urgency to macro up the cure. Agrim, Ritvik, and Zain exchanged worried glances. The situation was escalating quickly, and the pressure was mounting.

"Are you alright?" Agrim asked Connors.

"Do you think they'll ever forgive me?" Connors questioned back.

"You're about to save an entire city, that helps."

"Not the city. My family..."

"I'm sure everyone will... We're gonna get this city under control. Everyone's gonna be alright."

Arush gasped, moving towards his own station. "We need to find a way to shut down Smythe's robots. I'll start hacking into Oscorp's database for the information we need."

Zain nodded in agreement. "Good idea. We'll rest up a bit. We've earned it."

Ritvik looked at Connors, his expression softening. "I'm sorry for earlier, Doc. I was... I wasn't thinking straight."

Connors paused his work and gave Ritvik a reassuring nod. "It's alright, Ritvik. We're all under a lot of stress. Let's just focus on getting through this."

Agrim sat down, rubbing his temples. "We need to be ready for whatever comes next. Smythe's not going to stop until he's destroyed everything we've fought for."

Zain placed a hand on Agrim's shoulder. "We will be ready. We just need to rest and recover. We've got each other's backs."

The hideout was filled with a tense, determined silence as Connors continued to work on the cure and Arush hacked into Oscorp's systems. The weight of the city's fate hung heavily in the air, but the Spider-Men knew they couldn't give up now. They had come too far and fought too hard to let Smythe and the cross-species plague win.

As the hours passed, the team slowly began to recover, their resolve strengthening. They had one last fight ahead of them, and they were determined to see it through to the end.


The atmosphere in the hideout was tense but focused. Dr. Connors worked tirelessly at his makeshift lab, surrounded by vials and equipment. Arush was hunched over his laptop, fingers flying across the keyboard as he hacked into Oscorp's database. Agrim, Ritvik, and Zain were resting, gathering their strength for the battles ahead.

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