CHAPTER-1: Graduation Day

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March 27th, 2015

The weeks leading up to graduation had been a whirlwind of final exams, senior activities, and secret Spider-Man missions. Despite everything, today was supposed to be a celebration—a chance to finally breathe a sigh of relief. But as usual, the city had other plans. News had just broken that the Molten Man was on another crime spree, and it was up to us to stop him.

I sat in the auditorium, shifting uncomfortably in my seat. Zain Zaffar, our valedictorian, was going over his speech one last time. The tension in the room was palpable. Everyone was excited for the ceremony, but our responsibilities as Spider-Men loomed large. I looked over at Ritvik and Agrim. We had to make a decision quickly.

"I'll go." I volunteered, standing up. "You two stay here and help Zain. Make sure he's ready for his speech. I'll handle Molten Man."

Ritvik and Agrim nodded. Ritvik gave me a reassuring pat on the back. "Be careful, Arush. We've got Zain covered."

With a final glance at my friends, I slipped out of the auditorium and headed for the exit. The school was buzzing with activity, parents and students milling about in their best clothes, oblivious to the chaos brewing outside.

Once outside, I found a quiet spot to change into my costume. The familiar red and black spandex clung to me as I pulled on my mask, the transformation into Spider-Man always giving me a rush of adrenaline. I swung up to the nearest rooftop and scanned the city.

The news had mentioned Molten Man attacking a jewelry store downtown. Typical. I swung into action, my web shooters propelling me through the cityscape with practiced ease. The wind rushed past me, the familiar sights of New York City blurring as I focused on the task at hand.

As I approached the scene, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Propelling myself off the web, I quickly pulled it out. It was MJ. I answered, trying to keep my voice steady despite the situation. "Hey, MJ, what's up?"

"Arush, where are you?"

"1st and Broadway, 2nd and Broadway, 3rd and Broadway– five minutes, ten tops." I said as I landed on top of a cop car.

"Your timing's terrible. The thing's already started!" she exclaimed. "Wait a sec– are those sirens?"





"No sirens. No..." My spider-sense goes off and I briefly looked to my left. I saw my mother just for a brief second before the image quickly faded and was replaced by the female officer I was glaring daggers at.

"Arush? What's happening? Hello? Arush? Arush!"

"I'll be right there, I promise." I hung up and took a deep breath.

Time to wrap this up.


Location: Midtown High School

The sun shone brightly over Midtown High School's campus, casting a golden hue on the freshly cut grass and bustling crowd. Parents and family members trickled into the outdoor stadium, guided by students dressed in the school colors of blue and gold. Excitement mingled with a hint of nostalgia as conversations buzzed around the seating area, filled with anticipation for the commencement ceremony.

Principal Davis stood near the podium, adjusting his glasses and straightening his tie, ready to kick off the event. He greeted each arriving family with a warm smile, shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries. The school band played softly in the background, adding a festive touch to the atmosphere.

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