CHAPTER-11: The Thrill Of The Hunt

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Location: OsCorp Robotics Facility

"What's wrong, Spider-Men? Can't handle a few million poisonous nanobots in your bloodstream?"

"Huh...? We're still– alive...?"

"Give it time, the fun's just starting."

Smythe donned his personal Spider-Slayer battle armour and de-shackled Agrim and Ritvik. With a powerful laser blast, he blasted them to another part of the robotics facility, which was crawling with nanobots.

But to their surprise, none of the nanobots attacked them...

"AAAGH, god dammit!" Ritvik groaned.

"How about next time, you give us a warning? We'll find the door." Agrim sighed, as he took in his surroundings. "Okay... this is gonna hurt."

Agrim readied a fighting stance but none of the robots reacted in any sort of way.

"...Or not?"

"Why are they not reacting to us?" Ritvik asked.

"Does that mean..."

"Alistaire succeeded. We're no longer Spider-Men..."

["Of course! The nanobots are altering your cross-species DNA. That's easily remedied with a few simple commands. They can easily be reprogrammed to attack a bunch of powerless buffoons!"]

"Just when I was starting to like them..."

"We have to get out of here..." Ritvik groaned, pushing himself up on his elbows. "Where are we?"

Agrim, wincing from the bruises and cuts, looked around. "Looks like a storage area. We need to find a way out of here."

Ritvik's eyes scanned the room, landing on a familiar pair of devices lying on a nearby workbench. "My web-shooters!" he exclaimed, scrambling to his feet and rushing over to retrieve them.

Agrim stood, steadying himself against a metal shelf. "Good. We'll need all the help we can get."

With his web-shooters back on his wrists, Ritvik felt a surge of confidence. But they both knew that without their spider-powers, they were at a significant disadvantage.

"Let's move." Agrim said, his voice determined despite the pain.

They navigated the cluttered space, filled with half-assembled robots and various mechanical parts. The sound of distant machinery and the occasional guard patrol kept them on high alert. They crept through the shadows, avoiding detection as they made their way toward what they hoped was an exit.

Suddenly, they found themselves in a large warehouse-like room. It was filled with towering shelves and a variety of robotic components. In the center of the room stood a massive, menacing robot, its sensors scanning for intruders.

Ritvik and Agrim exchanged a glance. "We need to take that thing out if we want to get out of here." Ritvik whispered.

Agrim nodded. "But without our powers, we'll have to use our brains."

They quickly formulated a plan. Ritvik spotted a control panel on the far side of the room. "If I can get to that panel, I might be able to override its systems or at least cause a distraction."

Agrim nodded. "I'll create a diversion. Be ready to move."

Ritvik positioned himself, ready to sprint. Agrim picked up a heavy metal pipe and hurled it across the room, creating a loud clatter that drew the robot's attention. As the robot turned, its sensors focused on the noise, Ritvik dashed towards the control panel.

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