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Jisung won yet again. Which everyone saw coming. After receiving his cash prize, he stuffed the check into his pocket and immediately went to the crowd to look for Naeun. He searched the food stands first, since he knew the girl loved the corn dogs.

And he was right, because there she was, munching on a corn dog as she scrolled through her phone. His heart swelled with affection as he ran up to her.

"Darling!" He exclaimed, reaching in for a back hug. But the girl ducked, so he ended up hugging himself. "I thought you weren't coming?"

"Juri dragged me, again," Naeun replied, taking another bite of her corn dog.

"I'm just glad you're here," he smiled brightly. A soft chuckle left his lips when he saw the mustard smudged at the side of her lip. "You have a little something there," he reached forward, gently wiping it away with his thumb.

Naeun blushed, a little more than she'd liked to admit. "Oh, thanks," she murmured, looking down as she took another bite.

Juri, who was walking by to go get Naeun, saw the interaction and smirked knowingly. She slowly approached, waving to Naeun.

"I have something important to do, so I can't drive you back to the dorm," she said, making up a fake excuse.

"What? I-"

"See you then!" And before Naeun could even reply, Juri was off and the two were alone again. Jisung silently thanked Juri in his head before turning his gaze back to the girl in front of him.

"You never gave me an answer about the birthday date," he said, stepping a foot closer to her.

"I mean, it's not like I have anything better to do that day," she mumbled, rubbing the back of her neck as she looked around.

"Is that a yes?" He smirked, bending down slightly so they were at face level.

"Interpret it how you want."

"I think that means yes," he chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Naeun was a flustered mess because of how close their faces were. She was glad that it was dark outside, so the blush on her cheeks wasn't too visible.

"Well, since I'll be taking you out on your birthday," he started grinning ear to ear. "We're not considered strangers anymore, are we?"

"Call it whatever you want," she muttered, throwing the corn dog stick into the trash.

"So can I call you mine?"


"Well at least we're getting somewhere," he sighed, still smiling. "I'll pick you up in front of your dorm at ten am, alright?"

"Yeah, alright," Naeun replied, already on her way to buy another corn dog.

As much as she hated to admit it, she became a flustered mess in his presence. Whether it was that deep voice which just allures anyone and everyone, those small touches that somehow got to her, or his ridiculously handsome looks he was affecting her too much and she didn't like it.

"I'm guessing you don't have a ride home anymore?" He said, his fingers tracing light patterns on the side of her arm.

"No, not really," Naeun replied, refusing to look up into his eyes.

"Well, that only means one thing, right?" He had a cheeky glint in his eye. "Come on, I'll drive you to your dorm."

"It's fine, I can-"

"Your curfew is soon, so it's not like you really have a choice," he chuckled, his hand clasping over her wrist as he dragged her to his car.

Naeun protested, but she knew that he didn't have another way of getting home. She was in fact grateful he was offering her a ride home, but she kept quiet. The wind was blowing fast, making Naeun shiver as she hugged herself to create some warmth.

Jisung looked over, sensing that she was cold. He immediately removed his jacket, draping it over her shoulder. "Here, it's chilly right now."

The scent of his cologne immediately fills Naeun's senses. She hugged the jacket close to her, the wooly material bringing warmth to her.

They arrived at the secluded parking lot where Jisung's car was. He opened the passenger door for her and waited until she was inside before circling over to the driver's seat. Naeun buckled up in his passenger seat, looking out of the window. Jisung changed the gear to drive, giving the girl a glance before pulling out of the parking lot.

"Here, you can play some music if you want," Jisung said, handing her his phone which was already connected to the bluetooth.

Naeun played a random song she liked. Jisung raised a brow, glancing over at her for a moment before turning his attention back to the road. "You seriously like this type of music?"

"What's wrong with it?" Naeun scoffed.

"Oh, nothing," he snickered. "Didn't take you for a Chase Atlantic fan."

The ride to the dorm buildings was fairly short. Jisung pulled up outside of the girl's dorm building, fairly disappointed he didn't get to spend more time with Naeun. But they were finally getting somewhere, and he couldn't keep the smile off of his face.

"Thanks for the ride," Naeun said as she exited the car.

"Oh darling, I can give you a 'ride' anytime if you know what I mea-"

"Say one more word and I'm canceling the birthday date."

"Wait, I'm sorry!" He chuckled. "See you, princess. Don't miss me too much," he winked before finally driving off.

Naeun sighed, watching as his car retreated. Shaking her head, she walked back inside of the dorm, still wearing his jacket. She liked it a little more than she wanted to admit.

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