Match 1: Duel, Let us Dance

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I cracked my knuckles as Sebastian stared at me confused.

"Are you ready, Sebastian?" I asked, staring at him.

"You're going to fight along side of me?"

"Um... yeah. It wouldn't be fair if 4 servants including Claude, go against 1. I am here to give you a hand," I said.

"I don't think you should, you are no match for them, LITTLE GIRL!" Viscount Druitt shouted.

"You have no idea of what I am capable of Druitt!" I yelled.

"Okay, your funeral. Hey Ciel was it, what should I wear to her funeral? A white suit with a red tie, or a red suit with a white tie?" I heard him say.

I growled lowly, "Call the match already!"

"Oh right. Ahem... Let the Duel begin."

On the side of my flow skirt revealed a zipper. I unzipped the side of it, making a slit in the skirt so I could move more freely.

"Now we can begin our dance," Claude said, adjusting his glasses.

"Very well then," Sebastian replied, taking out 3 silver butter knives.


The triplets decided to act first.
First triplet came at Sebastian with a dagger but was easily blocked by his butter knives.

I hopped in front of him to counteract with the second triplet who carried a long range weapon.

I quickly removed the hair pen that was keeping my bun in place and knocked back the arrow that was being shot off.

I swiftly kicked him over Sebastian.

I could sense that everyone was shocked. I began to wrap the long pin around my hair, like a spaghetti noodle and pinned my hair up. Sebastian quickly grabbed the third triplet that wields an axe and threw him over his shoulder.

"Oh my, such strength from a young girl," Count Druitt said.

"Indeed it's rare for people to detect something so fast, even I saw it as a blurry object when it was shot off," Ciel added.

-I was completely unaware of this talent. Only Claude can fight off other demons, right?-

I continued to watch closely.

The triplets came back for more.
On his hands he twirled, kicking the triplets back.

All of their weakness were now broken in two.

"Heh..." I let out a humorous sigh.


Now the three we're holding a long spear that broke apart into 3 short spears. They twirled it, charging at us as one.

Sebastian grabbed my arms and swung me behind him. As the triplets attempts to stab at him, he blocked and dodged their spears, swinging me forward to kick them back.

He let go of me as I pulled a butter knife out of his tail coat, blocking a spear.

He pulled out forks and balanced himself on the spear with his legs in the air.(basically a hand stand but with forks)

"Your battle moves are as well aligned as your faces," he smiled.

All of their eyes began to glow that demonic pink. The spear that Sebastian was well balancing on was gripped tightly by the one who is wielding it. He swung Sebastian off as he dashed over towards the other triplets, connecting their spears.

In the air, they swiftly threw it straight past me. Sebastian caught it from the back, twirling it around like it was a baton.

He let it fall behind and kicked it, waiting for the perfect alignment.

"There you go," he smiled as he grabbed the spear and shot it straight towards the center of their foreheads like a bullet.

They were all hanging from a statue now.

"Now you can be together forever," Sebastian said, dusting off his gloves.

I couldn't help but whistle. He was truly an astonishing Butler.

Druitt and I shouted Good show simultaneously.

-now it's Hannah's turn, let see how you do against her, Camilla!"

Part two of this section will be up soon.
I hope you like it. This was an incredibly fun part and in order to make this part I had to rewatch that whole particular episode including the few episode after that.

Once I got through watching them I freaking forgot what mostly happened, but when I began to type, it came out close hell it might be exactly how it went. I only remember stuff if I began to write... isn't that cool.

Okay let me stop blabbering and began to work on the next part before I forget everything.

Stay tuned for part 2 and as always, I love you all so much.

VampireLux Out!

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