27 | Dodge It

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In the dim light of the training room, the air crackled with tension and anticipation. Amari and Ken stood facing each other, their eyes locked in a silent promise of challenge and intimacy.

The room around them was sparse, with only the soft hum of a fan and the faint scent of sweat and determination filling the space.

"Naranga's weakness is?" Amari asked.

Ken staggered. "How am I supposed to know?" he threw his arms up in perplexed confusion.

Amari huffed, launching a swift jab aimed at Ken's shoulder. He blocked it, his hand a blur of motion. She followed up with a low kick, knocking him onto the mat.

"Wrong answer," Amari chuckled, extending a hand to help him up.

"This information is to help your job as Ultraman easier. Memorize it to muscle memory," she instructed, swiftly delivering another jab aimed at Ken's midsection. He sidestepped gracefully, his lips curving into a slight smile.

"This feels personal," he comments.

"It's you and me," she voiced, proud of his quick work. "Of course it's personal."

Their sparring was a dance, a rhythmic exchange of attacks and defenses. "Right," he hummed, eyes roaming her body, slowly undressing her with his gaze. "You and me."

"Focus" Amari scolds, as she sends a series of rapid punches, each one aimed with intent. Ken blocked and parried, his forearms absorbing the blows with a soft grunt.

"Is that all you got?" Ken teased, his voice low and playful, masking his surprise at her attack.

"Not even close," Amari shot back, her breath coming in controlled bursts.

She feigned a high kick, then dropped low, sweeping her leg in an attempt to knock him off balance. Ken anticipated the move, leaping over her leg with a quick hop. He countered with a low kick of his own, grazing her thigh. Amari winced slightly but recovered quickly, pivoting on her other foot to face him again.

"That had a sting, didn't it?" Ken smirked, proud he finally landed a hit.

"I've dealt with worse." Amari hummed. "what's pleasure without pain?"

Their eyes met, and for a moment, the world outside the training room ceased to exist. There was no sound, no distraction, only the connection between them. Amari lunged forward, aiming a strike at Ken's shoulder. He caught her wrist, the warmth of his touch momentarily distracting her. With a swift twist, he tried to pin her arm behind her back, but Amari spun out of his grip, using the momentum to deliver a powerful kick to his side.

Ken stumbled back, but his eyes sparkled with admiration. "Nice move."

"Thanks," she replied, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. "I've been practicing."

"of course you have" Ken sighed. His eyes roamed over her well-sculpted form, now realizing how her hours of dedicated practice had helped maintain it.

Their breaths came faster, but their smiles never faded. Each strike, each block fueled the other more. She spun on her heel, delivering a high kick that Ken narrowly dodged, feeling the rush of air as her foot passed by his face.

He staggered back. "You're getting distracted," she scolded again.

"Hard not to with you," he chuckled, squaring his shoulders, preparing for more attacks. "And you're getting rough," he commented.

"I thought you liked it rough?" she gave a coy look.

Ken smirked. "I do."

With a playful growl, Ken grabbed her ankle, pulling her down with him. They rolled together, laughing, their sparring match forgotten in the sheer joy of the moment.

As they lay on the mat, breathless and tangled together, their eyes met once more, and the room seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them, united in strength, love, and an unspoken promise of forever.

"And to answer the question. Naranga has a weak spot," her fingers shifted and slid up his skin to his neck. "Right about here, deliver a blow, and he'll be temporarily paralyzed." Ken shivered at the feeling of her touch. "One swift jab would do the trick."

"Right," he whispered, eyes taking her in. His hand sliding down her waist. "and in case you forgot"

"You and me," Ken reminded. The intensity in their gazes conveyed a myriad of emotions, silently expressing their deepest desires and wishes.

Her eyes, soft and unwavering, promised unwavering support and love, while his, intense and earnest, vowed to protect and cherish her. In that silent exchange, they communicated everything they couldn't put into words: the trust, the longing, and the unbreakable bond they shared.

And so he leaned in, so wishing to translate those thoughts into actions.

The cry of Emi filled their cozy silence.

She tapped his bicep, and Ken reluctantly released her as she stood up. Her hips swayed gracefully as she exited the room.

"And Emi," Ken sighed softly, a smile spreading across his face as he stood to follow his love.

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