Haruka x Reader

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Hello, so yeah i didn't get any request but! I realised that people like these umm one-shots and read them alot like last time I checked I had only 300 reads and it hasn't been so long that it raised to 600, I'm glad you guys read my one-shots and I hope youmwill also like this one, enjoy♥.


what an awesome idea to invite Iwatobi's swim club to play truth or dare NOT TRUE AT ALL, how could Gou do something that insane? She knew you had a crush on Haruka! Why is she doing this! OH MY GOODNESS!

-so it's your turn [reader]-chan to give a question to Haruka-senpai since he doesn't want a dare. " Gou sighed winking at you.

-...uh-oh um okay...." you thought about a question to know if he had a crush...not to obvious of course.

-what would relax you the most?" You asked out of mind.

-...the presence of someone." He said neutrally, well your doubts were confirmed he does have a crush on someone but who?!? Well...it's not like you do care or anything ...right?

-Haru-chan are you in looove?" Nagisa-kun teased him, but what surprised you was his embarrassed face, his cheeks were slightly pink you thought it was cute of him to have a crush on someone but of course that made you anxious, what will happen if he's taken away by some girl? What will you do? How would you deal with it? Haruka-kun wasn't simply your crush but he is and has been for 5years, and you would always surprise yourself by how much you love him and how your love grows day by day.

Everyone grew eager to know who was the lucky girl so eventually Rin did ask him with guts.


-who's the lucky chick Haru?" He smirked at me, that bastard!

-I'd rather choose dare." Haruka-kun replied instantly.

-well then....I FUCKING DARE YOU TO KISS YOUR CRUSH." Rin shouted pointing at Haruka-kun.

-what if she is somewhere else?" Makoto-kun asked which made me uneasy.

-well he can always call her" Rin said, Haruka-kun stood up then left the room going out, he was probably ashamed by what has happened.

-Haru?" Makoto-kun said.

-I'm going for a walk." He replied before closing the door behind him.

-...well that was awkward " Rin said, I punched his shoulder.

-I'll go after him." I said glaring at Rin who smirked at me.


Well, I could finally catch up with him.

-um Haruka-kun? " I called panting.

-hm? [Reader]" he turned around.

-huf huff sorry about that, Rin is an idiot he didn't have to embarass you." I walked past him and he followed my steps.

-hm" he hm'ed then I suddenly felt as if I was a bother to him and slowed down, it was already night, we continued walking for like 15mins he then stopped in front of a vending machine to buy soda, surprisingly he bought my favourite lemonade.

-thanks" I smiled at him, he only nodded in response.

-are you...Haruka? Nanase Haruka? Right?" I asked smiling at him, he let himself fall sitting down, I sat beside him observing closely every single hint of emotion, ans I saw his smile, no not a genuine one but a small smile that gave me the impression to be unique.

-of course I am." He whispered, his voice sounded hurt, as if he remembered something.

-you...are also living a one-sided love?" I risked, he turned his head towards me obviously surprised then looked down.

-it really is hard, huh? Having the person you want the most, not liking you back." I said he kept silent I took that as a 'yes' and continued.

-it's like you're being betrayed by your own self, you can't stop being with that person yet you want to stop liking her seems most likely impossible, I'm sorry...for making things worse, I'll leave you be." I said standing up, my tears were running down my cheeks, I couldn't take it anymore it was too much for me to handle this, I walked away but he grabbed my wrist.

-stay." He didn't say more, and I couldn't look at him.

-I...can't. " my voice cracked and that's when he turned me around and discovered my pretty crying face, eyes wide open, he pulled me towards him and crashed his lips with mines.
I don't know if it was real or just my imagination....but I heard a loud explosion just like fireworks, that little kiss he stole from me held my heart and soul, I couldn't return back to reality, I was paralysed.
-I like you." He said looking down.

-huh?" I snapped out.

-I...I know you like Rin but honestly I will make you happier, I liked since our first met, I was always looking at you, but you...were so...in love with Rin that I couldn't say it." He confessed.

-R-Rin? I don't like him that way!...actually...I l-like Ha-Haruka-kun too..." I said looking down blushing madly, Haruka-kun was also.

-i.is that so...uh-oh sh-shall we go?" He said walking beside me.

Step by step
He leaned and touched my hand with his.
Step by step
He held mine into his lovingly.
Step by step
He stopped.
Step by step
I looked at him in the eyes.
Step by step

-I love you." We said at the same time.

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