Mermaid! Haruka x Human! Reader

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-it's time you stop believing in mermaid Reader-chan, it's becoming annoying." one of your friends told you, but you weren't upset about it, you're now 17 years old, you became a young lady now, but you still believed in the existence of mermaid, why?

-it hasn't been proved that they don't exist, also evolution exists and maybe there were humans who lived near the sea and who spent most of their time in the sea that they evolued into humans with gills and flippers." you said obstinately, it was just too plain to assume the nonexistence of something that has never been seen, that's what you thought eventually.

as you ran back to your house which is located near the shore so you would always hangout around the beach and watch the sunset while drawing the glimpses you remember from that one first time when you met with a mermaid, it  was on a sunny and clear day, you had woken up earlier than usual and you went to your usual spot when you heard some voices from behind a rock, you had clearly heard " Haru! she's here." but as soon as you could peek they were gone, not to mention the gifts you'd receive or the hairstyles they'd make for you as soon as you took a nap, and by gifts I mean beautiful shells, pearls or even fresh mackerel, and eventually you'd also offer things in exchange such as the drawings you'd do but eventually protecting them with some film or wax, shampoo and some showering soap,  sushis and many other food, not forgetting to mention the jewelleries you'd make out of shells and flowers in resin; necklaces, bracelets and rings.

But before  going there you had to eat with your parents, usually meals at your house were silent and you didn't mind but your father who is quite strict decided to break the silence.
-your school contacted me today saying that you complained to them about some teacher who denied the existence of mermaids." He said setting his chopsticks down and staring at me.

-yes I did, they exis.." you said naturally but he spoke over you.

-you need to quit with these childish beliefs you are no longer 5, it was understanble back then, now it's nothing but a bother and a shame."he said  and those words really hurt you, eventally some tears began to roll down your cheeks as you were eating but your were fed up.

-I could say the same to you about your god." You replied while standing  and getting out of the house.
{ /!\ A/N: don't  get me wrong I'm  muslim and I respect  all religions it was just to spice up the oneshot abit.}.

You eventually went to your usual spot and cried all the tears inside your fragile body before laying on the rock and closing your eyes for a moment because they were hurting, you stayed that way for some time still conscious then suddenly your felt a presence, then a wet hand caressing your cheek, it was gentle as though the person was afraid to hurt you, you didn't want them to go so you kept on pretending to be asleep, not long after you felt a pression on your lips, it felt wet,and now you remembered the salty taste you'd have when you'd sleep even though you didn't swim.

-Haru you're at it again?" A male's voice said, you wanted to know this Haru.

-she was crying." A soft voice said but this one was closer to your ear and you felt goosebumps along your body.

- I know Nagisa and I have been holding you back from interefering, good thing she is asleep." The first voice said,' this Haru has been taking care of me this whole time?' You thought.

-she knows we exist, yet she never told anyone about it." He said while removing a strain of hair from your face.

-how do you know?" Asked again the voice.

-we have never been disturbed by any human." He simply stated while wipping my face from the tears you had.

-Haru, I know you love her, but you know it's impossible right?" The voice had gotten closer to you, but Haru didn't  reply instead he intertwined his fingers with yours and squeezed your hand.

-Haru.." this was the last thing that was said before you lost consciousness.

You  woke up in a hospital room not knowing what had happened.

- you've been sleeping for a while day and it is anaemia and lack of sleep." A voice said beside you and it was your father, you didn't  reply though, you just stayed quiet until  the doctor entered and announced you could leave, and you did, the first thing that came to your mind was Haru, as soon as you were home you went to your spot with Haru and found a pearl necklace, you smiled and wore it then again layed on the  rock and closed your eyes waiting for Haru, not long after you  heard him come to you and hug you as if you were  back from  the dead, then hold your face to kiss you, but it didn't seem to be enough for him he continued kissing you until you kissed back while sliding your hand around  his neck to deepen the kiss, but he was way too surprised to react, so your just kept on kissing him until he gave up his logical reaction and continue his romatic action.
As soon as you two broke apart with your eyes closed you smiled and told him what he would've never expected to hear from you.

-I love you  Haru." You said before opening your eyes to meet azure ones, Haru was blushing right in from of you, you smiled again and hugged him tighter, and not long after he hugged you back.
-I love you too Reader." He whispered into your ear before nuzzling the crook of neck.

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