Rin Matsuoka x reader

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As I was working at my part time job at a convenient store, exhausted, tired I couldn't even keep my eyes open.

-it'll be 1000yen please." I said to the last customer, I didn't even bother looking at the person, if she was a male of a female, I was just too exhausted.

- thanks." a masculine voice said, I smiled in spite of the lack of energy, customers who actually thank me are rare, so I had to be thankful to them.

- no thank you!" I chuckled and finally looked at him, he was a tall man with red long hair and a sharp  face with a side smirk making him the most intimidating person I had met that day, I couldn't take my eyes away from him, he was just too handsome, he was a regular customer who's been coming for now two months but even though I was seeing him everyday I would always be amazed by his appearance.

-Reader-san that's the end of your shift let's switch." my colleague told me as he stood beside me looking at the customer, I nodded and bowed my head to the red headed male before heading towards the changing room to wear my usual cloths.

as I exited the convenient store I breathed out noticing that it was wold enough for me to exhale steam.

-typical cold winted night, isn't it?" I head a voice say, I turned to see who it was and recognized the man from before, I was quite shocked to see him outside, was he waiting for me? of course not maybe I had forgotten to give him back the change, the change! that's right!

-I'm sorry how much do I have to give you back?" I asked still shocked, but his reaction was the last thing I was expecting, he raised a questioning brow at me then laughed out loud, as if I had dropped the biggest joke of all times.

- uhm excuse me!" I panicked a bit, but once he was done laughing he wipped a tear from the corner of his eye then smiled at me.

- I'm sorry for being rude, I didn't come for the change, I gave you the right amount." he explained, but in the end only one question popped into my head.

- then why were you waiting for me?" I asked it away, at this question I looked straight at him, he too stopped smiling and kept a stoic face until he spoke.

- I like you." he said bluntly out of nowhere, that was the last thing I would've expected, like literally it wouldn't have shocked me even if he said ' I'm an alien and I'm here to abduct you.' but this, this is the most unexpected thing ever.

- e-excuse me?" I asked as if I had misheard him.

- I said I like you, you heard me right." he cleared his throat this time before saying it, I looked at him in awe, not knowing what to say or do.

-I I'm sorry I don't know you, I can't return your feelings." I replied as sincere as I could, I mean this was crazy this must be some kind of game or a bet! yes absolutely a bet, there is no way a hot stranger would come and confess to me like that out of the blue, or maybe I'm hallucinating, this is the most accurate explenation, I haven't been sleeping well these days, so it must be a side effect perharps.

I then turned my heels and ran as fast as I could to where I live, this was just some hallucination I'll just take a day off and then it'll be alright after.

and guess what? I was right, now I'm alright, after a day off I'm not having any weird hallucinations, or weird fantasies.

- that'll be 570yen please." I smiled brightly to the customer, I was feeling amazingly good today, and almost not tired at all.

bip bip bip

- that'll be.." as I looked up I was the man of my fantasizes I smiled and continued " 790 yen please." I smiled taking the money and giving back the change, but as I did our fingers touched and he squeezed my hand for a brief moment but I removed it as fast as I could and took a break, the manager saw the man and told me to follow him.

- do you know that man?" he asked I signaled that it was negative with my head and he continued.

- he's been coming here ever since the day you adviced him not to take any product that contained Palm tree oil because it causes cancer, he would come everytime it was your shift, he even came yesterday why you weren't here and I told him you took a day off, he was worried and asked if you were alright, you should go talk to him." he told me, that was then that I realized that even I became so used to his visits that when he wouldn't come I'd be worried, but he always ended up coming no matter the weather or the time.

I ran as fast as I could outside searching for him, but he had already left, I must've hurt him! I'm such an idiot!

-typical winter night, isn't it?" a familiar voice from behind me, I turned and faced the man I've been fantasazing about all day, I walked up to him and stared at him for a moment before searching for the words I was going to tell him.

-I'm I'm sorry about last time, I didn't know what was happening, it was too sudden." I told him bowing my head as much as I could.

- uhm no it's fine, It was my fault also, it was too blunt, I had to introduce myself first." he said while rubbing the back of his neck, I looked at him and every movements was cute, everything about him was cute.

-can I know your name?" I asked still looking at him.

- R-Rin Rin Matsuoka." he said while standing straight up like a solder, I smiled at that cute action and replied.

- well I like you too Matsuoka Rin." I smiled, and all he did was stare in awe at me before hugging me tightly then pecking me on the lips.

-well then Reader-chan from now on I'll start working as your colleague!" he said still hugging me, I only chuckled and hugged him back.

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