Swimming Teacher! Makoto x Reader

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-Reader-chan come join us the water is perfect!!" your friend Kou called from the shore, but I was just too scared of water, the thing is I had Thalassophobia; fear of the sea, ever since I was 9 years old I've been this way, it was due to an incident as I was swimming in the beaches of Morocco a huge wave hit me and it was so strong that I couldn't reach the surface no matter how close it  was the water kept pulling me under, at that moment I had swallowed lots of salty water mixed with sand, it was the worst experience in my whole life, when I could finally get out of the water I was still shocked,but on that same night my ears started aching so much I couldn't stay quiet about it and started crying, when I went to the doctor, he said that I had too much water inside my ears and that I needed a treatment.

in one word sea means Pain to me, eventually I only told Kou about it yesterday, but she insisted about me coming and that I would love it because she had a surprise for me, but I don't see what's so enjoyable about the beach, I'm  not even embarrassed  to say that I don't know how to swim.

I layed on my towel and closed my eyes enjoying the warmth of the sun to get tanned, but soon after it wasn't as sunny as before, something was blocking the light, I lowered my sunglasses and opened my eyes to see Kou and a tall well built  man with olive eyes and brown hair, ah Makoto he's been  in my class for 3years now and we had joined an astronomy club, but we only talked rarely for there was always a weird atmosphere around us, the other members told me that it felt as though we needn't to speak everything was obvious that we were meant to be, and that we gave off a aura of love.

-get up." She told me, I sighed and did as told.
-reader-chan, Makoto will be your swimming coach." She told me, I gazed him and he was smiling sweetly at me but that wasn't  a good idea, I grimaced and replied.

-I'm not going into the water anytime soon, swimming is the last thing I'd learn." I said staring straight at Kou, she frowned and was about to reply but Makoto stopped her.

-You can go enjoy the beach, I'll talk to her." He smiled, she nodded  and left while whispering something in his ear and that surprisingly caused him to blush, but he soon regained control and smiled at me.

-let's go for a walk shall we?" He told me, I  nodded and followed him.

-I won't  ask you why you are scared of the sea, but instead let's talk about what you like about it." He told me and that caught me off gard, everyone would always ask me about my phobia and the reason why, I smiled and looked over the beach.

-I liked when I felt like part of it, as if I was also a sea creature, I also would feel as though the sea was alive and the tides would be the heart beats." I smiled and looked back at Makoto to find him staring intensively at me but he averted his eyes as soon as I realised his gaze.

-then if you see it this way you may think that the sea felt abit too excited that you were there so her heart beats accidentally hurt you." He said while blushing, but what he said was true, what happened once may not happen twice and if I gave up right now then I would stay this way my whole life.

-so what do you say?" He said holding out his hand, I smiled and took his hand and shook it.

- deal, I'll let you prove me how amazing the sea is." As I said that he smiled and switched his hand's position  so that he was holding mine and dragged me towards a deserted area in the beach where the sea seemed calm.

-get ready." He told me, I nodded and noticed he was still holding my hand.

-uhm tachibaba-san if I want to remove my dress and stay in my swimsuit you'll have to let go of my hand." I said, and I wasn't  really happy about it, as soon as he let go of my hand apologising sevral times, my hand felt cold and lonely, but I had to if I wanted to learn how to swim, I removed  my dress leaving me in a (f/c) bikini, Makoto was staring very intensively and I felt really shy about it so I crossed my hands around my stomach to hide it and as soon as he realised how he was devouring me with his gaze he looked away while blushing  and rubbing the back of his head.

-s-sorry, let's go." He told me while turning his back to me and walking towards the water, I ran up to him and reached out for his hand, he seemed surprised about it but managed to hide it and continued until our feet were touching the water.
-are you ready? If you're scared we can stop." He asked while looking at me, but I only shook my head as a yes.

-I'm fine, rather than being scared you're with me so I'm not worried." I smiled while looking at the horizon, he squeezed my head and took a step forward, we continued until the water reached my waist, Makoto let go of my hand and swam a bit further and asked me join him there by swimming.
-try swimming to here." He said opening his hands as a sign of 'It's  fine I'll catch you if anything happens. ' I nodded and lowered myself to get used to the temperature  then pushed with my feet on the sand and swam up to him, and as promised he helped me up, but apparently I had swam abit too close since our feet were touching, I continued staring down being too self conscious around him.

- I see, you have the basics of swimming, you just need to practice it and to synchronize your breathing with the way you swim in order not to be tired." He said stilk holding my arms up, he was also looking down on me, I couldn't  say anything just nodded and pulled away from him.

-lay down on your stomach I'll hold you up." I did as he told me, and at the contact of his hands with my flesh I felt goosebumps along my body.

I continued until I could finally swim without being suffocated, and he taught me some ways to avoid a huge wave. We stayed until it was night time with only the light of the moon and some light on the shore were.

-this is the last try." He said as he opened again his arms, I nodded and dove into the water and once I was near him I came out and eventually he helped me up like before, but this time I didn't  loom down instead I looked to to him.

-Makoto." It was the first time for me to call him by his name and it felt heavenly, I continued staring at him until I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him.
-I li.." I couldn't  finish my confession that he had pulled me into another kiss a deeper  one that said it all, all that tension that had been between us was now gone.
-I'm the man I have to say it first." He said breathless, I stared at him in disbelief.

-I love you Reader." He said it without honorifics I felt amazing  but all I could do is dive underwater to hide my embrassement but he did the samr thing and kissed me under water while pulling  me closer to him and wrapping my legs around his waist then pulled out od the water with me clinging onto him and his hands holding me up, we still didn't broke the kiss, it was just too perfect.
     The moment  was perfect.

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