Sousuke x American!Tourist!reader part1

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Guess what?
I'm  quite happy that someone asked for a Sousuke  since he is my crush 🏵.

Actual one shot:

-Reader-chan I'm sorry I can't make it to the airport, there is an accident on the road and the cars ain't  moving."

-whaaaat? Couldn't you have told me that before getting in the plane? I can't go back now!" You yelled at your brother's best friend through the phone, with whom you were supposed to meet in Kyoto, you sighed worried about how you were  going to communicate without Rin.

-well I'll have someone to substitute me, so don't  worry, I already called him, I'll send you his name and picture on Line, so don't  worry I'll come as soon as I get another ticket." He reassured you, and felt a bit guilty since it wasn't his fault.

-alright then." You murmured a small thanks  and hung up, while looking out the window and dozzed off .

Time skip: In Osaka International airport.

You  were waiting for that Sousuke, he actually looked pretty hot judging from the picture Rin sent you, you were still looking at the picture when someone's voice teased behind  you.

-am I that charming?" A deep voic said, you screamed at the sudden appearance of the young male and accidentally dropped your phone.

You bent down to get your phone but Sousuke's hand had already taken care of that.

-my my aren't you clumsy?" You lifted your head to meet his turquoise eyes, a smirk never leaving his face, but if there is one thing you hated then they were  bullies.

-I'm sorry about that Sousuke." You said while taking back your phone while sliding your hand to his chest abd pushing him enough to make him lose balance and fall as you stood up from your previous position, then smirked.

-my my ain't  I clumsy? My hand slipped sorry about  that Sousuke. " I smirked once again while walking towards an exit, I hears a chuckled  from him then caught up to me while taking my bags from me.

-what kind of man would I be if I let a lady carry the bags?" He winked which only made you smirk wider and tease him.

-a clumsy one maybe?" He looked at you then laughed still carrying your bags, he finally stopped in front of a decent car, he unlocked it and opened the door for me.

-ladies first." you chuckled and mumbled a small thanks then hopped on, not long after he was already driving to Kyoto, you knew it would take us around 50mins to get there and you didn't want the traject to be boring so you tried to start a conversation, but guess he read your mind and started it instead.

-I'm Sousuke Yamazaki, and I'm Rin's close friend, he told me alot about you, since he often visited your brother in America and you would spend time with him too, apparently you're fun, pretty, cute,cool,  stubborn, redhead and the most important Clumsy, but up until now I still haven't seen that stubborn, cool and redhead side of you." he winked at you then turned his attention toward the road, you felt your cheeks heat up but you eased down quickly with the thought that he might be a player, well he was way too smooth not to be one either.

-well I'm glad that Rin actually gave you a taste, but I can't say the same about you since Rin never mentionned you until earlier in the plane, guess I'm closer to him than you are Sousuke." you teased, he was shocked and looked at you but you were just getting started.

-eyes on the road Yamazaki!" you said as strictly as you could earning another chuckle from him.

-Roger captain!" he saluted you still looking at the road then you had the brilliant idea to turn on the radio but to hear some Jpop music but you didn't mind it was just too fun, and you started laughing at Sousuke who actually sang at a rap part of the song.

-oh man, this is something new about you!" you smiled while removing a tear from the corner of your eye then kissed his cheek, causing him to almost hit a car but he snapped out when someone honked at him.

-O-Oi it's not forman to kiss people in Japan!!" he panicked while blushing, but that you knew it just too well to ignore it, at that very moment American girl by One Ok Rock played on the radio and just when they were about to say american girl you said.

-well I'm just an american girl." and smirked while putting your sunglasses, he was just way too shocked but he had to admit you looked cool. 

you arrived at Kyoto later, and since you were planning on staying at Rin's place, Sousuke drove you there but with several failed attempts to make you come stay at his instead.

-are you scheming something Yamazaki?" you smirked but to see him blush furiously before pulling over a batiment.

-where are we going?" you asked looking out the window as you heard him pull up the hand brake.

-my house, I shall remind you that Rin's the only one to speak english and you wouldn't be able to communicate with them in japanese without big old me." he smirked as he got out the car and opened the door for you and holding your hand gently.

-well thank you." you smiled while trying to take your bags but eventually he stopped you from doing so and carried them to his apartment, it was small but enough for three people to live there, being as tired as you were, you colapsed on the couch groaning abit too loudly.

-how about you go take a shower first whilst I make you something to eat before you sleep?" he proposed, he was just too cute you immediatly thought, you nodded and stood up looking for your pajamas, but you didn't find them, you clearly remember asking her to put your pajamas and towerl inside the bag, but lazy as she was she must've forgotten or simply didn't feel like it.

-what's wrong?" Sousuke asked with a concerned face, you just slapped yourself mentally and smiled awkwardly.

-seems like my sister didn't put my sister didn't put my pajamas nor towels in my bag, I'll go shop for some, do you know any store nearby?" you sighed while massaging your forehead.

-it's fine you can wear  one of my shirts, not that I'm thinking of it as the 'boyfriend T-shirt' though, well perharps?" he winked while entering his room and you followed him, he handed one of his shirts and two towels.

-there you go miss clumsy." he chuckled, you puffed you cheeks still not moving.

-what is it?" he asked while leaning to get a closer look at your expression.

-I want you to call me by my name and not Miss clumsy!" you said while looking away, then looking back at him to find him blushing.

-serves you right!" you said before kissing his cheeks and entering the bathroom and locking the door, and hearing him shout.

-DON'T DO THAT SO CARELESSLY!!" you laughed then entered the bath with a grin on your face.

-well maybe Rin getting caught up in Sydney wasn't that bad actually." you said loud enough for him to hear.

-you'll be the death of me." he sighed while knocking on the door to startle you.

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